Weekly Update #9&10

Posted by canderle23 on March 10, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook Jo Abby and I advertised. We finished all of our goals even though they weren’t very far fetched. It was a pretty normal two weeks. We are getting close to the end of the trimester but more importantly almost the need of the Yearbook. Besides advertising and doing homework we also […]


Weekly Goals

Posted by canderle23 on March 6, 2017 in Yearbook |

Monday- Today I will focus on homework and then send all of our advertisers thank you letters.  Tuesday- tomorrow I Will call all of our advertisers that didn’t send us their adds and money.  Wednesday- I will call any other advertisers that have a potential of advertising with us.  Thursday- I will finish all of […]


Weekly Goals-

Posted by canderle23 on February 28, 2017 in Yearbook |

Monday- call advertisers, send thank you notes and do homework.  Tuesday- listen in on a meeting with Kurt, send the rest of our thank you letters, check back on our advertisers and then do homework.  Wednesday- ORGANIZE BINDER Thursday- make a clear list of all of our for sure advertisers and ask Schiff about designing […]


Weekly Update #8

Posted by canderle23 on February 24, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook Jo, Abby and I advertised. Monday we didn’t have school. Tuesday we called everyone we needed too and faxed/emailed them information. We also thought of a couple hall of fame ideas. This was our goal for Tuesday and thats exactly what we did. Wednesday we sent two thank you letters and […]


Week 8 Goals-

Posted by canderle23 on February 21, 2017 in Yearbook |

Tuesday- Today we will call advertisers and fax them information if they need. I will also start thinking of potential hall of fame ideas.  Wednesday- Tomorrow we will send thank you letters to any advertisers who sent us their money and then call more potential costumers.  Thursday- Thursday I will catch up on all my […]


Weekly Update #6

Posted by canderle23 on February 10, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook we finished calling people to advertise in our yearbook. We also worked on our homework and hung out. Today after school Olivia’s grandma is picking us up then taking us to Dutch. Then she’s taking us to Ellas house.after we hang out a little bit were going to the SHS boys games. […]


Weekly Update #5

Posted by canderle23 on February 2, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook I did a little bit of homework, we did some advertising and we also had a couple of meetings. We got a new member of our advertising team. His name is Chase. Lately we have been calling people back because we need eight advertisers and we only have 3 or 4. Today […]


Weekly Update #4

Posted by canderle23 on January 27, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week Abby and I have mostly just been working on homework and doing a little bit of advertising. We also were checking names for the Yearbook. Tonight I’m going to Jamba Juice then to the Sheldon game. This weekends I have a tournament in portland and I’m staying in a hotel Saturday night with the […]


Weekly Update #2 and #3

Posted by canderle23 on January 20, 2017 in Yearbook |

These past two weeks were not very interesting. We basically just finished up advertising, including sending thank you letters to the people that sent their artwork. We also checked seventh grade portraits. I also wasn’t here last Friday. Today we have a meeting with Anna and usually when we’re done with stuff we can do […]


Weekly Update #1

Posted by canderle23 on December 9, 2016 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook we worked on advertising. Johanna and I faxed people their information on their add. We used the office fax machine for the first time and it was a little tricky at first. Tonight I’m going to the boys SHS basketball game. This weekend I have no basketball or soccer. On Sunday I […]

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