Fairy tell_The Wizard and Sisters

OWE! Everybody in the kingdom hears that. They didn’t know what happened, but all they could think of is… Magic C strikes again. Bum, Bum, Bummmmm… Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, you guys are probably wondering who Magic C is. Lets go back a little… Once upon a time there was a wizard named Carter. Carter wasn’t a regular wizard. Instead of using his powers with people he uses them against people. Carter hides under the board walk by the mall and uses his power to make hard objects invisible. He puts those objects on the board walk to trip people. After the people fall Carter steels the peoples stuff out of there pockets. Thats how “Carter” got his nickname Magic C. I’m Kate Molington. I am the queen of Queenopia. Queenopia is a small town bordering Ethiopia. I have three daughters who’s names are Payton, Gracie, and Hayley. Payton’s the oldest and Hayley’s the youngest. I also have an amazing husband George. “King” said her husband. King George, Sorry. OWE! All I’m thinking is “Magic C strikes again”. We need to stop this nonsense! “Mom, I’m going to the mall.” Payton says. Okay sweetie, but be careful for Magic C. We have a window upstairs of our castle. It looks right over the mall. Payton drives in her 2017 ferrari. She parks in a huge parking garage and walks down to the street level. Payton has her head in her phone and is just strolling on the board walk approaching Magic C. I am crossing my fingers hoping she doesn’t trip. Magic C has tripped so many of my piers but none of my direct family. I want that to stay that way. P. M. is getting even closer to Magic C. Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, P.M. are Payton’s initials. Every once in a while I call her P.M OWE! I hear. My eyes travel straight to the window and all I see is a girl on the board walk right next to where Magic C awaits. That girl is Payton. “MOM!” Payton yells at the top of her lungs. She runs into the house with two bloody knees, tears coming out of her eyes, and her phone is missing. What is all this nonsense going on down here. I’m leaving this mad house. Mom I’m going to the mall! Says Gracie angrily. Okay sweetie, but be careful for Magic C. I run upstairs and I watch the window. Gracie drives to the mall in her 2017 mustang. Miss Gracie parks in the parking lot and jumps out of her car. She has her phone on her ear and is staring off into space. During all this she is walking on the boardwalk. Coming up to Magic C. OWE! I hear and I just sit there in silence. Mother, I am going to the mall. Hayley said Okay sweetie, but be careful for Magic C. I’m already at the window hoping for the best. All I see is a girl walking to the mall all by herself. That girl arrives at the mall. Her phone is in her pocket. She is getting closer to Magic C. Right when she see’s a glimpse of the wizard, I get a call. I don’t know what happened to the horrible Magic C, but what I do know is that everybody got there stuff back. Also he is not under the boardwalk anymore and Everybody lived happily ever after!!! The End

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