Prototype- Robot


Students will watch the 123d Design Playlist Tutorials (8 short videos) and make unique customized object based on the concepts, tools, and functions introduced in the 123d Design Playlist tutorials. Exercise objects must show representation of all tools and function introduced in the tutorials.






Reflection- Making a robot using 123d design was really fun because it was a choice of freedom.  Mr. Schiff didn’t tell us what to make, we had a app and rules.  We went on the app and followed the rules.  We had to use 1 or more objects from the primitives and one from any of the 5 kits. I used the cylinder primivitive and them pyramid primitive. I placed the cylinder down first then placed the pyramid on top. In the kits I used the robot kit. In the robot kit I used two eyes, one nose, two ears and two feet. I’m really exited for future projects using 123D design.


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