Weekly Update #5

Posted by canderle23 on February 2, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook I did a little bit of homework, we did some advertising and we also had a couple of meetings. We got a new member of our advertising team. His name is Chase. Lately we have been calling people back because we need eight advertisers and we only have 3 or 4. Today after school Im going to go home then I have basketball practice at 7. tomorrow is friday and Im not sure what Im doing during the day but Im going to be home alone because my moms on a trip, my dads at work, and my brother will be at school. On Saturday my dad and I are going to Portland because i have a full day basketball tournament there. On Sunday we are having a Super Bowl party and that is about all. This week has been a pretty good week:)

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