About canderle23

Posts by canderle23:


Weekly Update #9

Posted by canderle23 on June 1, 2018 in Tech Lit |

Tthis week in tech lit we started iBooks. All students got to make their outlines by naming each section and chapter in the program. When they finished that they went through photos and found the ones they wanted to copy and paste into their book. Over it was a good, but busy week due to learning all the new stuff. Tonight I have a basketball scrimmage and tomorrow I have three basketball games. 


Weekly Update #8

Posted by canderle23 on May 18, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This week we also worked on photoshop. They started their individual photoshop design. They took pictures of themselves and inserted them with different pictures from the web to make a story. When they were done they will upload their photoshops on to their blog. It was a good week but this weekend I am going […]


Weekly Update #7

Posted by canderle23 on May 18, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This week in tech lit I helped student design their horses makeover. They brought in four different objects from the internet. Then they used different tools and cut them out on photoshop. When they were done, they umploaded them to their blog. In all this week was pretty good. 


Weekly Update #6

Posted by canderle23 on May 3, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This was the last week until midterms. Everyone was working in getting their grades up and finishing all of their projects including mostly working on databases. It was a chaotic week because the students were rushing to get everything complete while I was also trying to now have any homework to do at home. Today […]


Weekly Update #5

Posted by canderle23 on May 3, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This week in tech lit the students started their databases. They’re are four databases that include earthquakes, windfall, temperatures and counties. They use google sheets to start the spreadsheet then they transfer that into google docs and write a couple sentences describing the graph. After they finished all of that they insert each PDF onto […]


Weekly Update #4

Posted by canderle23 on May 3, 2018 in Tech Lit |

Thks week in tech lit we continued helping kids with their 3D design project. Since this week was coming to the end of this unit, I had more free time to work on my homework for other classes. I use all my time to my advantage and I rarely have any work to do as […]


Weekly Update #3

Posted by canderle23 on May 3, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This week in tech lit I helped kids design their 3D design project. They worked on 123D sculpt and then transferred that to the printers. When they finished they took photos of before and after their creature being printed and uploaded those to their eportfolio. Overall this week was very busy and I rarely did […]


Weekly Goal

Posted by canderle23 on April 30, 2018 in Home room |

Academic Goal- I hope to study and understand my science concept. We have a quiz on Tuesday and I do not understand what we are learning right now. I am going to ask my teacher questions and study my science notebook tonight.  Personal Goal- This week I am going to start eating healthier and cut […]


Weekly Update #2

Posted by canderle23 on April 6, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This week in Tech Lit I helped students complete their research paper. They did bibliographys on easy bib and took notes on google docs. When they were finished with that, they changed the topics into their own words and typed a rough draft. Then they got those rough drafts edited by three fellow piers and […]


Weekly Goal #2

Posted by canderle23 on April 2, 2018 in Home room |

This week my Academic goal is to study and complete my math homework thoroughly. I will study for my quizzes and tests the night before, making sure I know each concepts.  This week my personal goal is to wake up ape very morning at 6 and get ready on time for my basketball workouts. I […]

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