Weekly Update #8

Posted by canderle23 on February 24, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook Jo, Abby and I advertised. Monday we didn’t have school. Tuesday we called everyone we needed too and faxed/emailed them information. We also thought of a couple hall of fame ideas. This was our goal for Tuesday and thats exactly what we did. Wednesday we sent two thank you letters and finished all of our homework we had. Our goal was to send thank you letters and call more people, but we had no one else to call. Instead of talking when we were done we did our homework. Thursday we did homework and checked in on our advertisers. Our goal was to do homework and organize the binder, so we actually did some extra work. Even though we didn’t get to organizing the binder we hope to get to that today. Today I have quite a bit of homework but we also have a lot of advertising stuff to do. We will finish the advertising stuff, organize the binder, then do any additional homework if we have time. After school Im either going to dinner for my moms birthday or hanging out with my friends On Saturday I have two basketball games in Lebanon. Sunday its my moms actual birthday and i have two more basketball games in Lebanon. Its going to be a fun weekend!

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