Weekly Update #5

Posted by canderle23 on May 5, 2017 in Broadcast Media, Uncategorized |

This week in Broadcast Media Molly, Maddie and I worked on our video angles PSA. Our video is about a ghost and there’s three different parts to it. I’m making one part, Maddies making another part, and Mollys making the last part. Today Molly wasn’t here so we didn’t work on our video today, but my part is the only video done. Today I’m going to DQ after school with Jo then were going to hang. I have soccer practice too then we are going out to dinner since it’s Cinco de Mayo. Tomorrow I have a soccer game in the morning and that’s all. Sunday, I have two baseball games that I can’t play in and another soccer game. I’m happy though because they’re both in Springfield. 

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