Gabby Thorburn's e-Portfolio

Final Animation – Penguins

Assignment #8– Flash Final Project

Students learned the basic tools and use of Flash timeline, frames, key frames, and tweens to create two 10 second animations. Now the challenge is to create their own 30 second animation story including a soundtrack using Garageband. The animation must have at least 5 layers  and use tweens to create synchronized animation that has a story line with a beginning, middle and end. Students are required to storyboard their projects and receive approval before beginning their project. When the project is complete, it will then be uploaded to Vimeo as a .mov file, then uploaded to their ePortfolio for grading.

Reflection- For this assignment, I made an animation about penguins. We started Flash later than intended, so I had limited tim to work on this. I made a story board, then started making the animation in Flash. I didn’t bring anything in from the internet, so I used shapes and the paintbrush to make my characters. Then I animated them using classic tweens and keyframes. The only thing I don’t like is that, when it exported, it is hard to tell the water from the sky. The music in the background is from  because I didn’t have time to make a garageband but I still wanted music. I think I did pretty well on this assignment, and I am proud of my animation.