Gabby Thorburn's e-Portfolio

Paint Tree Vector Swirl

Assignment #5: Paint Tree & Vector Swirls

Using Adobe Illustrator, create a sample of the Paint Tree Logo & Vector Swirl. Try to render your objects to the best of your ability using the following tutorials. You are being graded on effort only at this point of the class.

Reflection- For my paint tree, I decided to do sweet tree. I made the tree trunk and leaves first using the vector pen tool. Next, I made the vine using the spiral tool and the vector pen. I added the candies and the cake to make it actually be a sweet tree. I also made the little flower with the swirl tool and the vector pen. I just thought it was a nice touch. This was one of my favorite assignments because it was so different from any other project, and I used tools I’ve never used before. I think I did pretty well on this assignment.