Gabby Thorburn's e-Portfolio

Name Game

Assignment #4 – Illustrator “Name Game”

Students are introduced to basic Illustrator tools including the selection and direct selection tools, and specialized applications using text (text on paths, creating outlines, grouping and un-grouping), using layers, gradients, symbols, clipping masks, and shape manipulation tools. For this assignment, students must demonstrate knowledge of each of the listed tools and applications in one design that is theme based incorporating their name. The outcome should not appear to be a random showing, but instead a deliberate and well though out composition showing their ability to use the tools.

Students will save their work as both a native .ai file and as a .pdf file to their files1. Students will upload their final piece as a PDF to their ePortfolios  Digital Media page with the assignment order number, and with a detailed assignment description (can be copied and pasted from here) and reflection restating what they did, how they did it, and how they feel about their work.


Reflection- I used Adobe Illustrator and made a themed picture with my name in it. My theme was under the sea, so I tried to stick with it throughout the assignment. I added my name using clipping mask. I clipped the G out of one fish, and the abby out of a different fish. I drew seaweed with the pencil, and used Type on a Path to write a message in the seaweed. I had stroke as a border on my background, and I used the swirl tool to make it look like waves on the top. I also added many fish as my symbols. Finally, I used Gradient to make the background a gradient blue. I think I did well on this assignment, especially considering that I have never used Illustrator before. I like my work, and I had fun doing it! :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen: