Weekly Update #8

Posted by canderle23 on November 3, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook we called many advertisers. So far we have 9 advertisers. Once we call people we fax them information about advertising. I also completed lot us of homework. Today I have basketball practice then I am going to go to the Sheldon football game playoffs. Tomorrow I have no games but I am going to watch two basketball games. Sunday I am hanging out with my dad and I have two basketball games. This was a fun week but I’m excited for the weekend. 


Weekly Update #8

Posted by canderle23 on November 3, 2017 in Information Design |

This week in information design molly and I did homework. We also assisted certain people in scanning and completing their work. On top of all this we also created a box top poster for Ms. Cockram. Today I have basketball practice then I am going to go to the Sheldon football game playoffs. Tomorrow I have no games but I am going to watch two basketball games. Sunday I am hanging out with my dad and I have two basketball games. This was a fun week but I’m excited for the weekend. 


Weekly Update #8

Posted by canderle23 on November 3, 2017 in Tech Lit |

This week in tech lit I helped children complete four databases on excel and word. We copied and pasted our completed graph and then describe our finished product in word. Today I have basketball practice then I am going to go to the Sheldon football game playoffs. Tomorrow I have no games but I am going to watch two basketball games. Sunday I am hanging out with my dad and I have two basketball games. This was a fun week but I’m excited for the weekend. 


Weekly Academic Goal #9

Posted by canderle23 on October 30, 2017 in Home room |

This week in Social Literacy I hope to collaborate more with my table group. I am going to help them when they need help, answer any of their questions, and I am not going to do all the work. This is my goal for this week. 


Weekly Update #7

Posted by canderle23 on October 27, 2017 in Information Design |

This week in information design I did homework. I also helped Schiff with iPads. Besides helping Schiff, I assisted two students and scanned a lot of papers. This week was very fun and went by very quickly. Today I am helping out at carnival. I am also hanging out with Maddie after school and walking to Cafe Yumm and Jamba Juice. Tomorrow I have a soccer game and I’m babysitting. Sunday I have my last soccer game, I’m helping out at a soccer game then I have basketball.  


Weekly Update #7

Posted by canderle23 on October 27, 2017 in Tech Lit |

This week in tech lit I assisted many children. I rolled filiment also onto a different role. It was sometimes a stuggle and sometimes easy. This week was very fun and went by very quickly. Today I am helping out at carnival. I am also hanging out with Maddie after school and walking to Cafe Yumm and Jamba Juice. Tomorrow I have a soccer game and I’m babysitting. Sunday I have my last soccer game, I’m helping out at a soccer game then I have basketball.


Weekly Update #7

Posted by canderle23 on October 27, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook I finished all my goals. I did good in advertising, and I finished all my work. I also stayed on task. This week was very fun and went by very quickly. Today I am helping out at carnival. I am also hanging out with Maddie after school and walking to Cafe Yumm and Jamba Juice. Tomorrow I have a soccer game and I’m babysitting. Sunday I have my last soccer game, I’m helping out at a soccer game then I have basketball.  


Are after-school jobs helpful of harmful or middle and high school students?

Posted by canderle23 on October 26, 2017 in Home room |

I believe after school jobs are helpful to students in school. Learning how to acquire all of the different aspects in a job, is a huge responsibility. Students need to learn the responsibility of having a job and school. They need to equal the importance and learn how to study and work. According to the article, Jason was not sustaining all of his homework and not passing his tests. This shows that he was not using his time wisely. Having a after school job prepares students for future. Filling out a resume is hard work and students need to learn how to be adults. 


Weekly Goal #2

Posted by canderle23 on October 23, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week I hope to call many people. Right now we have four advertisers and I hope to finalize them this week. We have emailed many people to this week I hope to reply to the emails and finalize some more advertisements. I also want to organize the binder and do some homework. 


Weekly Academic Goal #8

Posted by canderle23 on October 23, 2017 in Home room |

This week I hope to get 100% on my SSR. That means I get 20/20 on all five weekly assignments for Language Arts. I usually get 18 or 19 on it. I make silly mistakes like forgetting commas and apostrophes. I also am not great at spelling. In all, language arts isn’t my best subject so my goal is to work really hard. I have to complete all five assignments for the week and complete it error free. This is my goal for the week. 

This week I completed my goal. I got 20/20 on my SSR. I had minimal to no errors on each section. I took my time and completed my best work. So far this year, I’ve gotten better at spelling and grammar usage. This has been a good week!

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