Weekly Update #10

Posted by canderle23 on November 17, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week I’m yeaeboook we got many advertisers and called people. We also faxed and emailed them information. When I was done I did homework. Today I am leaving for a trip and I am going to canyonville. I am staying with the millers for tonight and tomorrow we’re heading to Medford. I have a basketball tournament all weekend and I’m very excited.


Weekly Update #10

Posted by canderle23 on November 17, 2017 in Information Design |

This week in information design I started some homework. I also helped people start in indesign for their final booklets. Today I am leaving for a trip and I am going to canyonville. I am staying with the millers for tonight and tomorrow we’re heading to Medford. I have a basketball tournament all weekend and I’m very excited.


Weekly Update #10

Posted by canderle23 on November 17, 2017 in Tech Lit |

This week in Texh Lit kids finished horses makeover, and personal makeover and they also could’ve done a buddy pic. When they finished they started making an outline for a biopic. They used I book for it and searched for pictures. Today I am leaving for a trip and I am going to canyonville. I am staying with the millers for tonight and tomorrow we’re heading to Medford. I have a basketball tournament all weekend and I’m very excited. 


Weekly Goals #10

Posted by canderle23 on November 14, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook I am going to help people like Jill and Mia to complete their imdesign tutorial. I am going to step by step with them to complete their work. I also will organize multiple binders including my own. After I finish calling advertisers and finalize them, I will work on homework and designing ads. 


Weekly Update #9

Posted by canderle23 on November 9, 2017 in Information Design |

This week in information design I assured students with scanning. I also did homework and assisted kids with their math work. Today I am going home and watching movies with molly and Jill. I am also going to dinner with them. Tomorrow I am going ice skating and hanging with Molly and Jo. At night I am babysitting. Saturday I have a basketball game in Salem and Sunday I have a relax day.


Weekly Update #9

Posted by canderle23 on November 9, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook we advertised. We got about two advertisers so now we have about 10. We finalized all of them and we got their checks. Now we started designing their ad and we also did some homework. Today I am going home and watching movies with molly and Jill. I am also going to dinner with them. Tomorrow I am going ice skating and hanging with Molly and Jo. At night I am babysitting. Saturday I have a basketball game in Salem and Sunday I have a relax day.


Weekly Update #9

Posted by canderle23 on November 9, 2017 in Tech Lit |

This week in Tech Lit I assisted people in photoshop. We did the horses makeover and I saw some pretty unique ideas. Helping people with tools like the magic wand and magnetic lasso was very interesting. Today I am going home and watching movies with molly and Jill. I am also going to dinner with them. Tomorrow I am going ice skating and hanging with Molly and Jo. At night I am babysitting. Saturday I have a basketball game in Salem and Sunday I have a relax day. 


Are kids responsible for stepping in and preventing bullying?

Posted by canderle23 on November 9, 2017 in Home room |

I believe kids are responsible for stepping in and preventing bullying. Some kids think that it is embarrassing telling their parents and or their teachers. To solve this problem they can talk to their fellow piers about the problem. Violent behavior and or verbal humor all contitute bullying. Equity is very important in life and legislates bullying. The only way to resolve bullying is peer intervention. Talking with your piers make you feel comfortable and valued. In all, people often do not amend the rules of bullying. 


Weekly Goal #9

Posted by canderle23 on November 6, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook I hope to finalize 12 advertisers. Today I made a list of all advertisers. Tomorrow I hope to call advertisers to finalize the advertisers. I also want to do some homework and clean the advertising notebook. 


Weekly Academic Goal #6

Posted by canderle23 on November 6, 2017 in Home room |

For the next two weeks I hope to participate more in each class. I also hope to preform in any extra credit chances. I also would like to get our total advertisers to 12 and finalize all of them. This will be tricky but I think I can do it. 

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