Weekly Goal #2

Posted by canderle23 on December 11, 2017 in Home room |

This week in school I hope to get a good grade on my first math test. I hope to study tonight and tomorrow to finish my test in class. I am a very slow test taker and we only get one class period to finish our test. I hope I can get a good grade and complete it in the time presented. 


Weekly Academic Goal #1

Posted by canderle23 on December 5, 2017 in Home room |

This is the first week of second trimester. I hope to participate greatly in math subject. I do not want to get lost I’m the school, but I want to do my homework. Class work will also be done quickly and good in class. I want get to know my teacher good and I hope to make a great first impression. 

Reflectoon- I exceeded this goal greatly. I do not raise my hand too often but if I get called on I know the answer. I successfully do all my homework, class work and warmup. I have gotten full credit on all the work in this class so far and I’m very proud. Math is pretty fun so far. 


Weekly Update #12

Posted by canderle23 on November 30, 2017 in Information Design |

This week in Yearbook I advertised. I called many people and got many people. Today I am walking home with Sophie and we’re hanging out. Tomorrow I have to go tour Sheldon and meet our new teacher. Saturday I have Two basketball games in Salem. Sunday I have two more basketball games and we are going to Woodburn to shop.


Weekly Update #12

Posted by canderle23 on November 30, 2017 in Information Design |

This week in information design I did homework. I also helped people with math and I found iPads. Today I am walking home with Sophie and we’re hanging out. Tomorrow I have to go tour Sheldon and meet our new teacher. Saturday I have Two basketball games in Salem. Sunday I have two more basketball games and we are going to Woodburn to shop. 


Weekly Update #12

Posted by canderle23 on November 30, 2017 in Tech Lit |

This week in Tech Lit I assisted people in uploading photos to their files one then to iBook. I also helped people upload their books onto the eportfolio. Today I am walking home with Sophie and we’re hanging out. Tomorrow I have to go tour Sheldon and meet our new teacher. Saturday I have two lollipop sales gigs. I’m babysitting my candy canes, because they were very expensive. 


Two Week SMART Goal

Posted by canderle23 on November 27, 2017 in Home room |

For the start of second trimester I am starting a new math class. I hope to participate greatly and to make a difference. I usually do not greatly participate so my participation grade isn’t great. This is very specific because it is focusing on a certain math class. I can check my grades due to my actions. This is realistic because I know I can do it and I could do it in a week or two. 


Weekly Update #11

Posted by canderle23 on November 21, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook I advertised. I also finished some homework and finalized many advertisers. Today I am going to go home and clean my room and unpack. Tomorrrow I am going to have an interview with my grandpa. Thursday is thanksgiving so I am going to the turkey bowl then I am going to phelomaf for dinner. Friday Saturday and Sunday I am going to just hangout.


Weekly Update #11

Posted by canderle23 on November 21, 2017 in Information Design |

This week in information I helped people start in indesign and illustrator. I also helped people scan. Today I am going to go home and clean my room and unpack. Tomorrrow I am going to have an interview with my grandpa. Thursday is thanksgiving so I am going to the turkey bowl then I am going to phelomaf for dinner. Friday Saturday and Sunday I am going to just hangout.


Weekly Update #11

Posted by canderle23 on November 21, 2017 in Tech Lit |

This week in Tech Lit we worked on Biopics. I also helped someone start and finish a personal makeover in one day. This week was fun since it was a short week. Today I am going to go home and clean my room and unpack. Tomorrrow I am going to have an interview with my grandpa. Thursday is thanksgiving so I am going to the turkey bowl then I am going to phelomaf for dinner. Friday Saturday and Sunday I am going to just hangout. 


Weekly Goals #11

Posted by canderle23 on November 20, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook is only a two day week. My goal is to stay on task and finalize all of my assignments. It will be a fun week doing homework and calling advertisers. 

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