Weekly Update #1

Posted by canderle23 on March 23, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This week in tech lit was the first week of the third term. We started off by helping kids set up their eportfolios and organizing their files one. After they finished that they set up an easy bib account and started researching for their research paper. They also are documenting their websites. Overall this week was a good start but I am ready for spring break. I am not doing anything great but I’m going to coldera and maybe the coast and Portland. 


Weekly Goal #1

Posted by canderle23 on March 19, 2018 in Home room |

My goal is to complete Geometry with all A’s. This goal is important because I want to be prepared for high school. I have been successful in all my classes, but in this class I have struggled the most in. I have to work my hardest and I hope to make this class easier for me. First I will complete all my homework on time. When tests approach, I will study everything I do not completely get and ask the teacher questions.


Weekly Update #13

Posted by canderle23 on March 14, 2018 in Tech Lit |

This trimester I mostly did homework. When mr schiff needed help, I would assistant him when he needed. After I finished all my work, I either listened to music on r watched tv. I am sad this free period is over, but I am very glad I will still have Mr. Schiff third trimester. 


Weekly Goal #12

Posted by canderle23 on March 5, 2018 in Home room |

This week in Math I hope to catch up on what I missed on Friday. I need to complete all the that work and turn it in. Also I need to be able to take notes and study them for my quizzes and tests this week. 

This week in my life I hope to be prepared for soccer practice. I need to get all my cleats organized and my jerseys out so I’m ready for the first practices this week. 


Weekly Goal #8

Posted by canderle23 on February 5, 2018 in Home room |

This week in school I hope to participate more. I got all sufficient grades this trimester so far, but even though I know the answers I do not share them. I need to work on raising my hand more and stating my opinion. Some classes you get graded on participation so I hope to get 100% on those grades. 

This week personally I hope to reach out to other people. I want to verbally talk to my friends more then be on my phone. I want to limit screen time. This means I can socialize more with my family and cherish the times I get to talk to my friends at school. 

I got 20/20 on participation in science. I also got the correct answers in math when I was called on. I have limited my screen but I still have had a lot of screen time on. Y computer and phone. 


Weekly Goal #7

Posted by canderle23 on January 29, 2018 in Home room |

This week in school I hope school goes smoothly. I will turn in all my assignments on time and then participate in classes. Lastly I will study for any tests that I have including my math quiz on Tuesday. 


Weekly Goal #6

Posted by canderle23 on January 22, 2018 in Uncategorized |

This week in math I hope to take my time on the quiz and then study what I get wrong. I then will practice a little bit of math tonight and ace my math test. I want to get at least 90% on the test and complete all of my homework for that week. 

This week I hope to play basketball outside for at least 30 minutes a day. I will do it by myself, with my brother and or with my parents. This will help my shooting and my persistent attitude towards basketball. 

I aced both my quiz and test in math so that was successful. I did not play basketball every day of the week, but I did do something somewhat active like go on a walk. 


Weekly Goal #5

Posted by canderle23 on January 16, 2018 in Home room |

This week in school I hope to get 20/20 on my SSR. I have finished already and I took my time and checked all my work. By the end of the week I will know if I got 100% and if I do that means I won’t have to do any more SSR’s for the year. 

This week personally I hope to socialize with new people. I hope to talk to people I don’t usually talk with and help kids that need help. This will expand my comfort zone because I usually only talk to the same people each day. 

I succuesfully got 20/20 on my SSR allowing me not to do SSRs for the rest of the year. I used my resources and got everything correct by not making silly mistakes. I did not make any new friends this week but I reached out to people I haven’t talked to in a while and caught up with them. When I see people in the halls I also went out of my way to talk to them. 


When should people be considered an adult?

Posted by canderle23 on January 11, 2018 in Home room |

People should be considered an adult when they are 21years old. When you are 21 people respect you and think of you as mature. You are able to drive and drink. You also have to pay taxes for the jobs you have and what you do. If you are any younger then this your brain is still processing the new habits and environments so it is harder to call you an adult. When you are 21 you are usually almost out of school and know how repose the importance. Guidelines have been forgotten and you have to remember your status. Even in ambiguous situations, you know what is due. In all, I believe 21 is an reasonable age, due to the drinking age and your stages in life. 


Weekly Goal #4

Posted by canderle23 on January 8, 2018 in Home room |

This week in math my goal is to get an A on my first math test. If I do not get the grade I want, I will work my best to get my grade up to my sufficient grade. In the end I hope to have an A or A+ in my highschool math geometry class. 

This week I hope be active on the days I do not have practice. I want to walk or go on a run. I want to hpget my heart rate up. I have practice on Monday and Wednesday, so on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I am going to get active!

This week I succeeded my goal in math and I have a sufficient grade. I also have a quiz today so I hope that goes well. I also am close to succeeding my active goal. I have been active everyday of the week, and today I hope to be too. 

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