Weekly Update #1

Posted by canderle23 on October 16, 2017 in Yearbook |

Monday- organized binder and call advertisers.  Tuesday- brainstorm list.  Wednesday- call and fax advertisers information and details.  Thursday- advertising meeting.  Friday- work on all homework. 


Weekly Update #4

Posted by canderle23 on October 6, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook I advertised. The first couple days we were in the conference room. The other days we were in teachers classrooms. It was a very busy week. We mostly called advertisers asking them to advertise. When we were done we faxed them the information. This weekend I am playing in one soccer […]


Weekly Update #2-3

Posted by canderle23 on September 29, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook I advertised. Mia, Jill, Brock, Abby, and I all went to the conference room. We called certain businesses and also faxed and emailed them. We had a fire drill one day and another day I helped a couple people edit their editorials. This weekend I have basketball and soccer. I have […]


Weekly Update #2

Posted by canderle23 on September 22, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook I worked on advertising. In my group is Cade, Brock, Jillian, and Abby. Abby and I are going to be leaving for math second and third trimester, so Jill will be head. I also helped all my friends with their editorial. After I was done, I did my homework. Today we […]


Weekly Update #1

Posted by canderle23 on September 15, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook we worked in advertising. The first day we met with our group. We went over the advertising binder and organized it. The next day we called a list of advertisers. A lot of people said they would call later and the other people said most likely! This week has been really fun! […]


Weekly Update #9

Posted by canderle23 on June 2, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook I mostly did homework and I hope to finish the iMovie. Today I have my last soccer practice. Tomorrow I have nothing but I’ll probably work on my speech for social studies. Sunday I have a soccer game and a team dinner since our spring season is over.


Weekly Goals #9

Posted by canderle23 on May 30, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook my goal is to have all my home work done for other classes. I also need to finish the marine biology iMovie with Jo. During all of this I will not bother anyone. 


Weekly Update #8

Posted by canderle23 on May 26, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in yearbook I have been working on homework and a Marine Biology PSA for the Lobby TV. Yesterday we interviewed Jill and put it into the iMovie. We will try to finish the iMovie today and if we don’t than we’ll finish it monday. Today after school I am going soccer golfing with […]


Weekly Goals #8

Posted by canderle23 on May 22, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week I am going to organize the advertising binder. I am going to print certain lists and scripts so next years advertising goes smooth. I also will think of items for our flat screen in our school lobby. I also will finish my oaks tests, do homework, and start creating things for the lobby. 


Weekly Update #7

Posted by canderle23 on May 19, 2017 in Yearbook |

This week in Yearbook I mostly helped Schiff, did homework and organized the advertising binder. While we are doing all this we are also trying to organize a pizza party with Papa’s Pizza, Today after school I am getting slushies with Maddie, Molly, Sophie and Jill. After I have soccer practice. This weekend I have […]

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