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AI-Fruit Vector & Swirls

Assignment #5: Paint Tree & Vector Swirls

Using Adobe Illustrator, create a sample of the Paint Tree Logo & Vector Swirl. Try to render your objects to the best of your ability using the following tutorials. You are being graded on effort only at this point of the class.





Description: Some choices I made was to just do the normal paintree because I didn’t get any good ideas I also tried a lot of times to make the tree. The gradient tool is what I used to make the background. Purple Radial is what I chose, then I changed the colors to black and blue. Just three of the tools I used was the pen tool, text tool, and the the swirl tool.I think I did o.k on this project. It wasn’t the most fun project but it was o.k. I think I used the right colors on things and I didn’t take a long time on it.