Return to 3D Design Tri 1

3D_Fruit Bowl

Description: Using Adobe Illustrator, create a recognizable 3D fruitbowl. Try to render your object to the best of your ability using the following tutorial. You are being graded on effort only at this point of the class. Pay attention to scale and perspective as this will help your object look more realistic. Feel free to make the bowl any color you like and don’t forget the background.


Reflection: Some of the choices I made was to bring in a tree from the web and then to add on it to make the outside. I also made different colored apples along with grapes. Also I added symbols all around my fruit bowl. Some of the tools I used was the symbol tool to add in symbols. The pen tool to make the stems for the apples. Lastly, I used the ellipse and star tool to make my apples and stars. I think I did o.k on this project. MY background I thouhgt was ok because I make the sun,stars, and grass on my own. I took a LOT less time on the pen tool then last time so that was good.