


BABY MAGAZINE: This magazine could catch people’s eye because the baby is so cute! There is two main colors, blue and pink.  There are many different fonts. The title is enlarged so people know what the magazine is called On the bottom right there is a giveaway.  It is to win $20,000 for a treasure hunt.  This might catch people’s attention because they want to win the $20,000 treasure hunt.  They made the baby all cute and innocent looking.  She is in a very cute, eye-catching dress that matches the font color.  There are many different articles in the magazine from what I can tell because there is many different side headings.  There looks like there are a lot of good tips and tricks for babies.


FOOD MAGAZINE:  The burger/pie on the front is very interesting. People might say “is it a burger? Is it a pie? It’s a burger pie!”. The burger pie looks very interesting.  The title is big and bold with a cool font. There is a title for what the picture is on the cover too.  It says Jumbo’s Burger Pie! In a couple different fonts. ON the top of the fonts it also says “exclusive” and the word “exclusive” catches the publics attention.   There are some more food pictures at the bottom of the magazine.  In the side headings there are a lot of recipe ideas.


HAIR MAGAZINE: This is a very interesting cover.  All you can do is stare at Oprah’s HUGE hair! It is very attention grabbing.  The title says “Let’s talk about HAIR!” The hair is in bold letters and is a beautiful royal blue. In the side headings there are some things about health and food.  In the top left corner it says The Oprah Magazine.  I’m guessing that this is what the magazine is called.  She is wearing a bright orange dress.  Her dress matches the Oprah Magazine title in the top left corner.


INTERIOR DESIGN: This is a very bright and cheery cover.  I think the pink lettering really goes together well with the picture because the picture has accents of pink.  The title, INTERIOR DESIGN, would catch people’s eyes.  Especially interior designers.  I can’t tell what is in the side heading because I just realized it’s in a different language.  I really like the decor in the picture. It really brings out the room.


MOVIE MAGAZINE: This is a dark and creepy cover.  The magazine is about the top movies in 2009 but the main focus is Harry Potter vs. Twilight. The title of the magazine is the Best Movie. The Movie is in bold and is in all caps.  It is red so it stands out from the dark colors in the magazine.  On the side headings there are things about Harry Potter and Twilight.  In the top right hand corner there is a little picture with two people kissing. The title says it’s “New Moon a Montepulican. What do you think? Are you a Harry Potter fan or a Twilight fan?


MUSIC MAGAZINE:  The title of the magazine is called Billboard.  Katy Perry is on the cover. She is covered in flowers.  Under the flowers is a very interesting and bold dress.  On the top right it says there is an article about Sheryl Crow.  She has very interesting bangs. On the side heading it says KATY PERRY on bold.  The other side headings are about Taylor Swift, making money from Facebook, etc.  The background is a cheery bubblegum pink. It has a slight ombre.


NAIL MAGAZINE:  This magazine is about nail designs and polish.  The cover has a girl on it.  She has some awesome nails.  She has a very serious face.  She has a lot of makeup on.  Her lips are a very nice wine color.  The magazine is called Nailed It!. There are lots of side headings.  One of the says “Get Blake Lively’s mani in six easy steps!” Which I think is really weird cause isn’t Blake a boy? Anyways,  The other side headings include 97 must have fall polishes, the NEW french manicure, back to school nail art, and best nail designs for every age.


OUTDOOR MAGAZINE: This magazine is called HGTV magazine.  This is a very popular magazine. The color theme is very watermelon-y.  It is very bright too.  I love the green and pink.  The side heading is Fresh and Fun! They are in cool fonts and in different colored greens.  There is also 12 secret decorating bargains in the side.  The 12 and the secret are in a very bright pink.  There are people in  a little green circle.  The picture has a beautiful flower arrangement.  The watermelons look really tasty too!


SCIENCE MAGAZINE:  This cover is very creepy.  Its like a dead body floating in water or something.  The title is called COSMOS. It’s in a very pumpkin-y orange color.  The background color is a pretty blue.  There is another title.  It says living forever in a bright white.  They are in all caps.  At the bottom of the magazine it says is the death of death just a matter of time? This would catch people’s eyes because some people want to live forever.  I personally don’t want to live forever, but I know some people who do.  I think it would be very interesting if they actually figured out how to keep people living forever.


TEEN MAGAZINE: This is a very girly magazine.  I think it would catch teenage girls attention. On the cover is Bethany Mota. I really like her YouTube videos.  She is wearing a very matte strawberry red pencil skirt with zippers.  Her top reminds me of the USA flag.  The sweater is all blue with red and white hearts on it.  This issue is about YouTube. The issue also includes how to get pretty skin, confidence, flat abs, make money, and YouTube.

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