Final Project


Assignment #9– Flash Final Project

Students learned the basic tools and use of Flash timeline, frames, key frames, and tweens to create two 10 second animations. Now the challenge is to create their own 30 second animation story including a soundtrack using Garageband. The animation must have at least 5 layers  and use tweens to create synchronized animation that has a story line with a beginning, middle and end. Students are required to storyboard their projects and receive approval before beginning their project. When the project is complete, it will then be uploaded to Vimeo as a .mov file, then uploaded to their ePortfolio for grading.

Reflection: In this assignment I had to make a 30 second film on Adobe Flash.  I decided to do a fishing scene.  I would have a fish swimming and the fish getting caught by a fisherman.  I first started out by making each frames 12 instead of 24.  I then selected my background color which was a light blue.  After that, I made my first layer which would be the water.  I used the brush tool to create the waves and fill them in.  I then added a classic tween so I could make the waves move.  I moved the waves back and forth throughout the whole film.  I also added a sun layer.  The sun would move across the sky the whole time.  After that, I added the fish layer.  I added a classic tween to this as well so I could make the fish swim.  I took the boat from the internet and made a keyframe for it so it wouldn’t come in until I had my fish in position.  I added a fishing line in as well and made a lot of frames to it could drop down in a more natural way.  Then I made the fish swim up and bite the hook.  I made even more frames so the fish could be reeled up slowly.  Once the fish was reeled up, I added the fisherman which I also took from the internet.  I made him talk by using the text box to type what he was saying.  After that, I made confetti rain down because he had caught a rare fish.  I first drew a few confetti, and just copied and pasted it so I wouldn’t have to draw them all.  I think I did a great job on this project and had a lot of fun.  Flash is one of my favorite apps to use.