How To Brown Ground Beef
- 1-2 tbsp Olive Oil
- Ground Beef
Tools Needed:
- Frying Pan
- Wooden Spoon or Spatula
Cooking Instructions:
- Turn burner to medium-high heat. Add 1-2 tbsp of oil to pan
- Add Ground Beef to Pan
- Adjust Temperature if you need to. If the beef is not cooking fast enough, you might need to make stove hotter. If beef is cooking too fast or burning, you might need to turn stove down.
- Use spoon to break meat apart.
- Continue to Stir the Meat for even cooking
- When you do not see any pink, turn the stove to simmer, and let meat cook in its own juices for 1 minute.
- Beef is cooked when it is brown throughout and there is no pink remaining