
Assignment #4: Fruitbowl

Using Adobe Illustrator, create a recognizable 3D fruitbowl. Try to render your object to the best of your ability using the following tutorial. You are being graded on effort only at this point of the class. Pay attention to scale and perspective as this will help your object look more realistic. Feel free to make the bowl any color you like and don’t forget the background.


Reflection; For this project we were supposed to make a 3D bowl, add fruit into it and make a scene with it.

First what I did was I made an s shape with the paint blotch tool then 3D’ed it into a bowl. Then I made some 3D’ed apples and made stems, then put them into the bowl. That’s not the only fruit that I wanted so I used the apples and made them more round, made them orange, used a grainy texture and made and orange! After I used the apple again, made it longer, colored it yellow, used a wave texture, made a stem and then I had a pineapple! One I had my fruit bowl finished I wanted to make a beach sunset picnic look. So I made a sunset background, an ocean and sand. Once I had all those a make a rectangle, gave it a blanket look and put my fruit bowl on it. I though that it didn’t look much like a picnic with just fruit so I made so 3D plate (the same way that I made the fruit bowl) put some fish symbols on it, then made another plate and added sushi symbols and put both of the plates on the blanket with the fruit. Lastly I had to make the sun, so I made a circular shape added a yellow gradient and used the “add anchor point” tool to make it look like the sun had rays.

I had much more fun with this project because I’m getting more used to AI now. I really enjoyed learning how to make objects 3D. AI is very enjoyable to me now because I’m getting used to computers now and I have a lot of fun learning new things to do with computers.


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