3 Quote photos

Assignment #8: 3 Quote Photos

Using pictures you have already taken or a new photo, make a “Quote Photo”. Go to the internet and find a quote or insert your favorite quote into your photo. Take notice of readability, color, contrast, and placement to make a one of a kind personal “Quote Photo”. Use an 800×600 pixel space to start in Photoshop.

Reflection; For this assignment we had to take, or use ones we have already taken, 3 photos as a background for our quote. Once we found the 3 photos we had to find 3 quotes to go along with it. Once we found the quotes we had to put them on our background photo in Photoshop.

I used 3 photos I had already taken. The first one was the sun coming through the trees, which I used a love quote for. Madison suggested that I put the same quote over it in a different color to add a cool effect, which I decided to do.  The second photo was a picture of Else reflection and I decided to put a shadow quote. The third photo was a picture of the sun on a cloudy day and when I put a black and white filter on it looked like the moon so i did a quote about the moon.

I liked this project because I have always liked quote photos and it was fun to design my own.

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