Get to Know Your Camera

3) Get To Know Your Camera, Files1 & ePortfolio – Due: 4/13/17, 20 pts.

This assignment will be done in table groups and students will take three unique portraits of their classmates, be thinking about angle, point of view, light and shadow and line to create that unique shot. Students will gain a general understanding of how to use a camera, upload photos to iPhoto, save to their files1 account, and upload the final photos to their ePortfolio. Students will then show pictures to me for a grade.

Reflection: For this assignment I worked with my group and we all took 3 pictures of each other doing poses! We used cameras, our ePortfolio and our files1 for this project. This project gave me more experience with using cameras and that was helpful because I LOVE photography and I might be getting a camera soon so this gives me more experience with cameras!

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