NO SCHOOL Friday 13th
Reminder – there will be no classes today, Friday 13th.
Enjoy the long weekend.
ART WALK Friday, and Visual Arts Week
FEMA test on Wednesday at 11:20
See link below for info:
Guest speakers – Vocational
Friday 9/29 – Josh Barbour (Transition Network Facilitator)
Friday 10/6 – Sean Wilkinson (Lane Connected)
Best Buddies – Fun Opportunity at the UofO
Events this term w Best Buddies: note – it is best to register ahead of time.
10/4 Ice Cream Social – We will have a little ice cream bar and some games for everyone to play and enjoy. This will be a great opportunity for everyone to get a chance to know each other and make some new friends! (Most likely will be outside)
10/18 Game Night – Weather dependent, we will have lawn games on the lawn, but if it rains we will have board games inside!
11/1 Halloween Event – We will have halloween themed games, and some spooky decorations. Feel free to wear a costume!
11/15 Bingo Night – Come ready to see what the luck of the spin gets us and be ready to call BINGO!
11/29 Paint and Movie Night – We will have lots of painting supplies for everyone to make a masterpiece while we relax and watch a fun and friendly movie.
All events will be 6-8 pm in room 107 in Peterson Hall (by Lillis) on the University of Oregon campus. P
Seminars/classes and Advocate meetings starts today. (Wednesday 9/13)
Hopefully you’ve had a chance to register for the seminars/classes you are interested in taking this term.
If you have not had a chance to do so, please reach out to a teacher/ staff to do so.
We’re all hoping for a great Fall-term with Connections!
Register for classes w Connections
Are you planning to take classes/advocate meetings with Connections this Fall-term? If so, please schedule a time for either Monday or Tuesday to meet with a teacher/staff to make your selections.
Happy Friday
School Orientation Thursday 7th & 8th
Thursday and Friday will have orientation days at Connections 10am – 1 pm.
Hope to see you there
Fall Welcome Letter
Connections Transition Program
Eugene 4J School District
2120 Bailey Hill Road
Eugene, Oregon 97405
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to Connections 2023-2024 school year! Connections is one of the transition services offered through the 4J Transition Program. Our goal is to help students with the transition from High School to independent living. High school graduates with a modified diploma or a GED, and who have received Special Education Services are eligible for this program. Anders Pettersson and Kwasi Diehl will be your Connections supporting teachers.
Connections is a full or part time individualized program designed to support students between the ages of 18-21 in developing and reaching their goals as they move into adulthood. The Connections curriculum focuses on promoting the skills needed to be successful in vocational, educational, independent living and social settings. As part of our program, we can provide assistance in accessing community services which students may be eligible for. Instruction takes place in several locations within the community, depending on student need. Students may take part in small group seminars, vocational work crews and/or individual advocate sessions designed to support each student’s goals.
The Connections staff will host an informational meeting on:
- Wednesday, September 6th at 6:30pm in person at the Connections building at 2120 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene OR 97403
The following dates are also important:
- Thursday 9/7 & Friday 9/8, orientation/registration 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Lunch is provided.
- September 11 & 12, Individual student meetings 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
- September 13 Seminars/advocate meetings begin
Latest calendar updates are posted on the Connections’ Website
4J Community Transition and Connections
Skill building activities, training & support
If you intend to enroll in Connections, please contact us ASAP. We can provide individual bus training for those who are uncertain of transportation to and from Connections using the city bus. Please attend the informational session if you have any questions, or you can speak to Anders and Kwasi using the contact information below.
Thank you! We are looking forward to working with you this year!
Anders Pettersson, and Kwasi Diehl.
Anders Pettersson Phone: (541) 912-3618 —
Kwasi Diehl Phone (541) 972-3860 —
Connections Calendar 2023-2024
Fall Term
September 6 Information Night Presentation 6:30pm (at building 2120)
September 7, 8 Student Orientation 10:00am-1:00pm
September 11, 12 Individual Student Meetings to create Fall schedule
September 13 Fall Term Advocate meetings and Seminars Begin
September 26 LCC classes begin
October 13 Professional Development Day: No School
November 9 Professional Development: No School,
November 10 Veterans Day: No School
November 23-24 Thanksgiving Holiday: No School
December 15 Last Advocate Session/Seminar Fall Term
December 18 Winter Vacation Begins