Would you like to receive a food box with seven days of meals?
Winter break is coming, and so are winter break meal boxes. 4J students can request a free meal box to have nutritious food to eat during the school break. Meal boxes are available at no cost, regardless of income, while supplies last.
Families can sign up to receive a free youth meal box with seven days of heat-and-serve meals and snacks.
Families who order boxes for their children can pick them up on Wednesday, Dec. 15–Friday, Dec. 17 behind the district office, 200 N. Monroe St., between 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
Supplies are limited to 600 boxes due to staff and commodity shortages, so order today!
Free Youth Meal Box
Sign up by Dec. 15: bit.ly/wintermeals2021 (while supplies last)
Pick up: Dec. 15–17, 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m., at the 4J district office, 200 N. Monroe St. (drive around back)
Questions? Email 4jmeals@4j.lane.edu
The meal boxes contain food items and heat-and-serve meals, such as fresh produce (broccoli, cabbage, carrots, radishes, potatoes/sweet potatoes, apples, mandarin oranges), pasta pouches (rotini with meat sauce, three cheese cavatappi, creamy mac and cheese), hummus or black bean dip or pumpkin seed butter, Franz Bread, milk or non-dairy alternative, and other items as vendors confirm availability. Vegetarian and made-without-gluten meal boxes are available.