Sometimes as an adult, you have to be flexible. Sometimes things come up that you have no control over, and changes need to be made.
I just received a call that the Connections Staff needs to participate in full day meetings with the Oregon Department of Education on Monday, October 7. That means (sadly) there will be no Connections Seminars, Advocates, Tutorials or Work Experience on Monday, October 7. I know, I know, I am sad too. But being an adult means that we are all flexible. And we can all deal with this change.
Many of you have seen the Current Events board by the Transition Specialist’s office. The board states that there will be no school on Friday, October 11. October 11 is a State Wide in-service day for staff, all Public Schools are closed in Oregon on October 11.
Note: LCC is not 4J. LCC will have classes on October 7 and October 11. Your LCC classes will take place as usual!
Now… many of you have a 3-day weekend two weekends in a row? What are you going to do with your time? The weather report is predicting a beautiful weekend… put down that controller and get outside!