Last WEEK:
Monday – place rocks in community w QR-code to what we do and who made it 🙂
Wednesday: Calendar & Schedule.
Clean up and set up the classroom to be ready for after Spring-break when we have a staff-meeting. Chairs and tables in big horseshoe shape (about 15 people). Clean the white boards & calendar (save info on who wants to got to trips and events).
Walk – enjoy the weather and go see the garden (next to Kennedy) and our near neighborhood.
Early release end of day 🙂
Week 9.
Wednesday 3/13 – What did you think of the event? How did we do? $467.00 WOW!!
What can we improve on?
We still have a lot of items left from our production….what shall we do with it?
Staff party for the production crew? – What can be a team building activity that we do together (and is something you’d do in your future paid job)? Next Monday – Field-trip instead of class?
Let’s look at info sheet/poster & how to set up the table w our “goods”.
Are you planning to attend? Can you share a little spiel on what the money will be used for if someone asks?
Week 8
Review of last week presentation – what did you think?
Calendar – schedule – Pizza Fundraiser.
This week – create a poster/info sheet for “why we are doing a fundraiser” and what money will be used for.
We have mason jars – need to be cleaned (check for any damage) – next week fill w “Magic Bean Mix”.
week 7
Guest speaker: Wilkins coffee
Let’s listen , learn and ask questions 🙂
the questions we came up with:
- How many years of experience do you have selling?
- How did you come up with the business idea?
- What areas/countries do you sell to?
- Whats your favorite thing about your job?
- How many hours do you work each week?
- Do you take breaks / vacations?
- Do you have a flexible schedule?
- What do you do if you’re sick?
- What makes your business successful?
- What are some pros/cons of your job?
- Do you have deadlines?
- How do you decide on the price?
- How much are you making in sales (monthly/yearly)?
- Is it hard to make a living wage when starting a new business?
- What training is required to work here? (Are you hiring?)
Week 6
- How many years of experience do you have selling?
- How did you come up with the business idea?
- What areas/countries do you sell to?
- Whats your favorite thing about your job?
- How many hours do you work each week?
- Do you take breaks / vacations?
- Do you have a flexible schedule?
- What do you do if you’re sick?
- What makes your business successful?
- What are some pros/cons of your job?
- Do you have deadlines?
- How do you decide on the price?
- How much are you making in sales (monthly/yearly)?
- Is it hard to make a living wage when starting a new business?
- What training is required to work here? (Are you hiring?)
New Guest Speaker on Monday 26th:
Questions (lets create some):
Production – new product – Michele can explain.
Week 5 review and production
Week 4.
Guest speaker – cancelled. (though we have presenter coming on Mon.29th)
We need to be prepared with some questions for Casie.
- How many years of experience do you have selling online?
- Whats your favorite thing about your job?
- How many hours do you work each week?
- What are the benefits (are there any)?
- Do you take breaks ?
- What makes your business successful?
- What are some pros/cons of your job?
- Do you have deadlines?
- How do you decide on the price?
- How much are you paid?
FOCUS: are we wanting to set up a fundraiser (at Papas)? We can have items from our production for sale. Possibly some donated items….
What will money be used for?
Continue with production: rocks, magnets? ….
Staff meeting.
Receive feedback – professionalism:
Let’s do some “quality control” , it is important to have the final product look professional. We agreed in the first class that we’ll be OK w redoing products if it was found to have a need for improvement. Remember we are professionals that can take constructive feedback!! AND, we’re just learning to make these paracord products.
Qstn: do we want to add the bake mix jars, spice bags or similar. Check it out:
Week 3 – MLK & Snow/ice
Week 2. 1/8 & 1/10
Review of last week – all agree to expectations…?
Schedule “staff meetings” – how to get it organized.. (documentation is important) ,
Starting the production: today we can make Painted Rocks!!
Video pattern idea:
Continued Wednesday:
Calendar & Snow days: MLK
Guest speakers coming!
Is Etsy a good side-job/ real full-time job/ not a good idea..?
Video on Etsy – overly easy -” Print on demand”
Video on Etsy profit $ made…its hard.
Share the specific details for labels etc.
We’ll have to do something else but idea remains ;Younique Boutique Requirements for 2023
All items must be individually labeled with your school’s full name and price of each item. Checks can not be made out to individuals but must be made out to your school. If your school has more than one school-based business you will need to sell your items together and settle up your profits and inventory on your own. Please be patient with us and remember that the Younique Boutique is staffed by volunteers who are trying to do their best to help you and your school.
Here is the competition:
Add a little “charm” like a heart or 4-leaf-clover to the keychain.
Create the Cognitopia portfolio explaining how it was produced.
What will profit go towards?
Lots of visuals?
Videos of how to do it:
What to expect at a conference presentation: Connections students present w Cognitopia.
QSTN: ADMIN “showcase”.
Shall we bring down a few to the Ed-center”Valentines style”?
Week 1 1 /3
Introductions: name and pronoun
What shall we make? Ideas: para chords – keychains, shrinkey dinks, meal in a jar, tie-dye clothing, painted rocks, candles, …..
We’ll later do inventory of what we have in the art-room and then make shopping lists of needed items.
Calendar: what will our schedule look like? (Monday’s off?…)
Work agreement on how to be respectful.
Key concepts:
work ready: (sleep, hygiene, effort..).Feedback, redo is OK, try your best, production control, BREAKS, eat&drink by work station, debrief & clean up work station,…..
Special event to taylor towards (st patricks…valentines…)
Where to sell: ???
Sales: pricing, research online,
Practice selling, make a “board” to hang our inventory, Practice our “spiel”
Profit: to be used for ……trip…fun event…party/outing…PDX trip?
Team meeting:
Create agenda – and delegate future tasks
See the Work rating doc below – shall we follow this – why why not?