February 1, 2010

By Allan  

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for being so flexible as I invaded your classroom last week during the school choice tours. I know all of the parents who came were quite impressed with each of our programs.

Just two items of note for this week.

• Fair Hosuing Poster Contest – The Fair Housing Council of Oregon’s annual Fair Housing Poster Contest is open to students in grades 1 through 8. Hundreds of the grand prize winning posters are printed in full color and distributed each year. The deadline is each March. Following this link for more details.
• Zimbra Update – I’ll share the essential information about the email migration to Zimbra from the current email system later, but for those of you who want to know the some specifics that were shared at a TSS meeting last week about Zimbra, you can read the following attachments. (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2)

Have a great week!
