Job Club

Spring- 24

May 10th

JobFair – at Main campus LCC on Thursday 16th

This is a great opportunity – lets print out Resume’s and practice the “Elevator Pitch”. 

We also will be having the opportunity to visit S3;

 (Specialized Support Services) – more info to follow, this is a paid opportunity for students 21+


May 3rd, 

Calendar – big week coming up 🙂

We have today and next Friday to practice the “Elevator Pitch” and assure you have a resume that has all the details. It’d also be helpful to create a clear bus plan to get to the JobFair on May 16th (Main campus LCC). 

Practice the meet and great of new potential employers, if you’re not planning to apply for any jobs it’ll just be a practice to be social/kind,  networking is an important skill that never stops. 


Do you have a resume? Please show it to us and print out a copy!

Elevator Pitch: 

Fill out the bullets/questions below and practice this: 

  • One sentence introduce yourself …….
  • Two or 3 sentences describing a your strength (use an example) ……
  • One or 2 sentences that show an example of your knowledge……
  • Mention a hobby or something interesting about you…..
  • Ask them (possible employer) a question to show that you are interested in them, and how you can gain more experience, do they have any ideas?


Guest speaker Allies – learn about social and fun things to do in our community.

Calendar – Job Fair coming up.  

Do you want t a summer job? 

Resume! Please find your resume and print out – go over w staff and make notes for adjustments. 

We’ll all need to have resumes ready for the JobFair. And we’ll also focus on the 30-sec “elevator” pitch when meeting with the various employers at the job-fair. 





Week 10.




Calendar – are you joining in on the Friday FUN day (3/22 : 10:30-3:00)? Bowling and Pizza. Please list this on the board (yes/no/maybe), and decide how you’ll get there….we may have an activity VAN.

Schedule – have you selected classes? Let’s go over it together and we’ll try to answer any questions

For todayInterviews & Resume. Do you have one that you can share with an employer?

We’ll start getting ready for the potential of part-taking in job-interviews in the near future. Let’s split up into groups (or 1:1) and go through 5 questions. When you’re ready…..share w class 🙂




Week 9. 

Calendar: Fundraiser!! and end of term (We only have one more class left). 

Job interviews – see the typical questions – are you ready for it?

It’s time to start looking for those summer jobs – anyone interested in the Connected Lane summer jobs? ($17/hour) 



See from class before how to use AI to edit and make a video: 

Week 6. 

Calendar: Job opportunities from Connected Lane. see info below:

Good morning!

Connected Lane County is thrilled to announce that the application for our PAID Summer Internship program is officially OPEN! Limited to current high school juniors and seniors.

Prior to applying, please review the attached flyer for program information, internship details, and a list of important dates. 

Youth can apply here:

The application closes at 5:00pm on Friday, March 29th. A letter of recommendation and parent/guardian consent forms are due by 5:00pm on Tuesday, April 2nd for all applicants.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

After this we’ll continue with interviews and prep for answering “the most common questions”. Practice makes perfect. 🙂



Week 4 

Calendar – no school next week. + Guest speakers (Monday)

Prep for interviews – We need to start writing down answers and having some “go-to answers” that we will work on. Once having these ready we’ll start interviewing each other / or w staff till we feel ready to handle an interview. 

Examples of questions: Handout & See below. 


Week 3 . No class – Ice storm

Week 2: 

Review: what did you discuss last week? 

Discuss: What is an OK entry level job? You may like the things “around it”, co-workers, hours, pay, flexibility…… 

-Slowly Prep for interviews.


Watch these videos & Discuss: 

Big bang Theory:


Snag a job: 

Why should we hire you?

Mock interview:


Who is ready to practice? We will need to video ourselves and then analyze ? 

Interview – questions and good answers – Retail Focus.


Interview questions:


video interview questions


w disability suggestions video




Tell me about yourself


Why should we hire you


Why do you want to work here:

1/7 Review……Calendar – regular schedule till Feb. 2nd (and possibly give up a little of the class-time on Jan 19th for a FUN videogame day).

How was break/ anyone got a job? (something to add to your resume)…please share.

-Who can show me their resume?


-30 Sec pitch..who has one to share? (see video below if needing a refresher)


—–: See the round table, as the ones filled out by students prior to break are there. 


-This term we’ll slowly Prep for interviews.

Watch these videos & Discuss: 

Snag a job: 

Why should we hire you?

Mock interview.




Who is ready to practice? We will need to video ourselves and then analyze ? 




12/8 Last class this term: next week will do bowling and pizza outing. See website for details. 

Have you picked a schedule for next term? See website – Any questions? 

Do you feel that you’re resume is good to go? Will it need some fine detail upgrades? 

Next term we’ll have a class that can blend into more of alternative resumes (video), or other ways to express yourself.  

Are you ready to interview – you have a elevator speech? Let’s practice: 

How much to listen and show you care about others VS how much you shall speak about yourself. Body language and how you present your self is very important.

Introduce yourself. name, in school, 

future focus/interest area – similar to goals – I’m interested in a career/job working with….

share experience (e.g. volunteered at Connections, worked w neighbor, summer job at …)

flatter – mentioned how this persons business is great and that you’d like to work for them (or someone like them) 



Week 12 –

last regular class (week 13 – wrap up the school year – fun activity day? – Bowling.)

Calendar + new schedule. Also, next year – possibly guest speaker seminar series – 

Students working!! CONGRATS!!! 

To Do Today: 

Today: show me your resume.  EXAMPLE:



  • Seeking an entry-level position, in a growing company with room for growth and advancement.


  • Excellent team player 
  • Responsible and reliable
  • Energetic with strong listening skills
  • Hard working
  • Eager to learn and take on new responsibilities


  • Churchill High School      Diploma                                                                        2020
  • 4J Vocational studies                                                                        2020-present 
  • Food Handlers card, Oregon                                                                 Current                                                                                                                                                                                              


Olive Garden                                                     (Work)                                 July-August 2022

  • Hostess duties  
  • Vacuum

Hult Center for the Performing Arts             (volunteer)                      March 2022-June2022

  • Prepare and stock for events

University Of Oregon, EMU Food Service    (volunteer)            January 2022-March 2022

  • Clean and sanitize tables by Covid protocols
  • Keep dining area ready for use/set up

Habitat for Humanity Restore Eugene, Ore. (Volunteer)           September-December 2021

  • Organizing items for resale
  • Pricing items for resale
  • General cleaning of areas

Next Step Recycling Eugene ,Ore                    (Volunteer)                                 March-June 2019

  • Dismantling electronics 
  • Sorting and organizing Donations

Food For Lane County Eugene, Ore.                 (Volunteer)                               March –June 2019                    

  • Helping prepare food boxes for Delivery to community 
  • Organizing and categorizing Donations
  • Food prep

Churchill Equestrian team Events     Eugene, Oregon.                                                  2017/2018                                                                                                                                         

  • Customer Service                                              (Volunteer)
  • Food prep  
  • Clean –up

Ride able Equestrian                                                                                            2017/2018

  • Stall Cleaning
  • Feed and care of Animals
  • General cleanup

  ADDITIONAL SKILLS AND INTERESTS                                                                           

  • Computer literate

  •  Enjoy outdoors


                                REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST


If you don’t have one – see Anders/Michelle/Advocate…. Open your google docs and find resume templates…..start working on it.


How can you find extra income with a seasonal job?


Basic google search: or search engine….


11/3   Check-in: anyone done anything job search related? Please share…. Our previous Guest speakers – review – anyone given this some more thought? – I know of at least one student that got connected with Sean (Connected Lane). Did anyone check with Chris from McKenzie personnel? Please check with your advocate if you’re interested in signing up. 

Calendar: So many Friday’s “off” . , 11/10 – no school – Veterans day  ,         11/17  – no school – FRIENDSGIVING FEAST at Connection (we’ll need to set up and cook)  , FYI – we have cancelled the career fair to LCC main campus (this will be scheduled for a different time)    11/24 no school (Thanksgiving break) 

Today– Interview skills – Intro Kahoot (see link below)


Interview skills: – do you have an ELEVATOR  PITCH ? (first 2 min)

Do you have this prepared? We will continue to work on this throughout the term.  Also, can we make a better video than this??? I think so!!!

EXAMPLEHelp JimBob when/if he run into a person working at Dutch bros; 

JOB-  Barista at Dutch Bros: Think about: Attitude and enthusiasm.

Speech: ACTION: Hi I’m JimBob, I’m currently enrolled in a transition program called and do volunteer work at ReStore. Last summer I had a summer job helping my uncle with his Window Cleaning business. I really liked it because I got be outside, meet people and work in a small team. When I was in highschool I worked at the coffee cart at Churchill High school, I thought it was OK-ish at the time, but given it’s been about 2 years I realize I kinda miss it. I really enjoyed when I got some tip.  

How can we help JimBob to add more / change it…..

Answers to 10 most common job interview questions

  • Tell me about yourself….
  • Why do you want to work here? 
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What are your weaknesses? …
  • Why should we hire you? …
  • Why do you want to work here? …
  • What are your goals? …
  • Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job? …
  • When were you most satisfied in your job? …
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? …
  • What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?

Lets create some answers for various jobs: 







(what are things that interviewer want to know about you – TEAM PLAYER? Can work independently? Attention to detail? …….



I like your product…..

I like working in small team…I like working independently….

I met someone at a party that works for you and they said they really like….

Being outdoors and working with my hands…..

I always been curious about…..

Lets think of others….



Calendar (event next Friday – maybe shorter class) and week after no school. 

Josh B present   

Event work:

Continue resume (update what you’ve done over summer) ,

if time: Onet survey –

and prep for other guest speakers:

-Sean from Connected Lane (Oct 6th):

-Chris from McKenzie personnel (Oct 20):


Week 2. 

Happy Friday,

Practical info: Calendar – we’ll miss many Friday’s this term – lets participate while were here

Weekend plans? Job opportunities? What is the plan?  Hint – UofO Ducks home game comes with LOTS of work opportunities. 

Build a new resume? Here is a link to a template that explains all steps involved. 


Lets look through this website ABLEFIND (below) – find a category – narrow down to the areas you’re willing to travel to for work: (Lane county only…?) –

ONET. – Assessment and fun website to learn about jobs. It can show you the education needed, forecast of how likely there’s a need for the job in the future, the average salary….a video showing what some of the typical work tasks in that field……

Play around with this and find a job you think you’re interested in. 

If they’re stuck – you can set up a google doc. , and start the template,  and then have them be editors of the doc. by you sending it to them (I hope this makes sense). Call if you have any questions. 🙂





Week 1 To Do: 

What do you hope to get out of the class? 

Who has/had a job? Who had a job in the summer? 

Future Guest speakers ideas: Josh B, Chelsea OVRS, KeyConsulting, “old students”(Emma, Abby… Richard…), Sean from WIOA, Chris from McKenzie personnel. 



To cover – ideas: 


How to find a job – are you doing your own “career exploration?” How do you document it!

Apply for a job. –Net work.  – Interview for a job.

KAHOOTS – Vocaction VOCAB – Anders provide link

 At times – Opportunity to go to and attend Fair, job event…Guest speakers off campus…

Video idea: Job Shadow: 

Quick lube – car mechanic (Youtube).













Guest speaker 6/2 – Chris from McKenzie Personnel – 10am. 

6/9  – Outing w other Transition programs @ Maurice Jacob park & after lunch  GRADUATION at Connections building. 

Schools OUT for SUMMER!!!! (Last day is June 14th. – see you again in September)

Calendar overview – Fridays; some changes – what will you do? Look for a summer job? 
4/21 regular class but first 15min we’ll have Pearl Buck present
4/28 – No class (we have a social event in Springfield & Jasmin Party)
5/5 – No school (prof development for teachers and staff)

5/12 – regular day – last day Adam & Karly 

5/19 – regular day – guest speaker OVRS & McKenzie personnel

5/26 – regular day – find a summer JOB

6/2  – regular day BUT also last “job club”!!

Review of JOB FAIR: share your favorite….my favorite was how professional you all were when interacting with the various businesses attending. 
And, I really liked Willamalane (summer jobs and long term) and MPC (Metal Product Company seemed cool). 
Presentation – Pearl Buck

Here is a link with information and expectations/tips on what to do when going to the job-fair on April 19th.


Job Fair  – no classes offered at Connections this afternoon as we’ll all go to the JobFair. 

Time: Wednesday April 19th from 12:30pm to 2:00pm

Location: Spark,  on 7th ave. Across the street from the Hult Center.

Info & timeline: At 11:00 am, we will have an early lunch at Connections (Hot Dogs & fruit salad provided by Connections)

We will take the LTD bus from connections to downtown around 12:00. (There will be no afternoon classes, please make arrangements to leave from downtown around 2:30pm)

Prior to leaving we will print out our Resumes and practice interviewing skills.

Please dress appropriately for informal job interviews as you will be meeting many potential employers.  Also, if it’s raining please ware a raincoat/bring umbrella as there will be some walking and waiting outside at the JobFair. 



Continuing this Spring we’ll have seminars taught partly by Key-Consulting.

However, it’s very beneficial to work on anything discussed in the classes in your advocate meetings (and at home/on your free-time). 

It’s also time to start applying for summer jobs. 


Winter term we will have the seminars taught by ” Key Consulting”. They are a local job-developer agency that have worked with several of our students in the past. We hope to see you there. Please call or email Anders if you have any questions. 





Week 12 – last regular class (week 13 – wrap up the school year – fun activity day? – Bowling.)

Calendar + new schedule. Also, next year – possibly guest speaker seminar series – PILOT PROGR. 

Students working!! CONGRATS!!! 

To Do Today: 

Today: show me your resume

If you don’t have one – see Anders/Michelle/Advocate…. Open your google docs and find resume templates…..start working on it.


How can you find extra income with a seasonal job?


Basic google search: or search engine…. 



Week 9  (Nov. 18th). 

Calendar: sooo many days off…& will you attend our T-giving feast? YES you SHOULD!!

Review of last week (Chris from McKenzie Personnel) –

please look at ABLEFIND –

and navigate to the Employment category. 

We’ll discuss as a group how this can be an incredible tool for you. 


Communication & Enthusiasm (skills to pay the bills videos)

Xtra Jobs over Xmas break!!! Look and apply now. It can also be helping someone in the neighborhood (this is also NETWORKING!! We’ll discuss this more in later seminars).


Interview – basic practice

TOP 10 interview questions (and answers).

Practice – answer – Record – get feedback – adjust – Practice practice  practice Practice practice  practice Practice practice  practice Practice practice  practice Practice practice  practice Practice practice  practice       Practice practice  practice Practice practice  practice Practice practice  practice 


Week 8 – no school. 

Week 7 (11/4)

Calendar: many days with no JobClub.

Visitors – Connections students – please welcome and share what you know 🙂

Start thinking about Xtra work – Fall and Winter seasonal jobs!!!

Guest speaker: Abby & Emma, and Chris from Mckenzie personnel. They will share services provided and their experience. 

Also, if you have time -please look at ABLEFIND

and navigate to the Employment category. 

We’ll discuss as a group how this can be an incredible tool for you.

Week 6 (10/28)

Halloweeen and Network 

Calendar – Break after 30min decorate. Think of this as a Staff party. (what are the expectations)

Josh B present on role of TNF + if time – prep questions for McKenzie personnel. 

Also, if you have time -please look at ABLEFIND

and navigate to the Employment category. 

We’ll discuss as a group how this can be an incredible tool for you.

Week 5 – 

****  ADULT EXPECTATIONS!! Time and Place!! AGE difference (can be a concern) 

Work more = make more $!!! (and the routines, friends, fun, purpose…) 

Video: SSI vs Work video

Guy & Darrensafety officers 4J – Safety and Expectations when over 18

Guest speakers: WIOA & Safety Officers 

WIOA: questions we came up with : 

What kind of jobs do you offer? 

How long have you worked with WIOA? 

Do you offer help to people to apply for jobs? 

What’s the secret to getting a paid job? 

How do I get signed up to work with you? 

Where are you located? 

What kind of jobs do you offer? 

What are your hours? 

How many people are on your staff? 


Week 4 no school


Week 3

Practical info: Calendar – we’ll miss many Friday’s this term – next week no Friday – lets participate while were here, &  GUESTSPEAKER #1 invited. Lets make some questions for WIOA. 


Continue with resumes. And lean into professionalism – especially with having a guest speaker that CAN get you a paid job! (It’ll be 2 weeks till they get here so you have time to practice)  


When are you ready to apply and ready for an interview? (YOU ARE READY – but may not feel like it yet). 

You can do your own career exploration/ research to find out more about a job. Go visit the site. Talk to someone working there (or that knows someone working there)  – would I like this job? What would a day look like? 

If you have no personal connection – go online – Video idea: Job Shadow: 

Quick lube – car mechanic (Youtube).


What kind of jobs do you offer? 

How long have you worked with WIOA? 

Do you offer help to people to apply for jobs? 

What’s the secret to getting a paid job? 

How do I get signed up to work with you? 

Where are you located? 

What kind of jobs do you offer? 

What are your hours? 

How many people are on your staff? 


Week 2 Birdie sub-plan

11:00 Job club –  – focus on creating and updating resumes . It may be good to share Abby’s example – on the desk. I have it printed out to be used with the document camera  (to hide her personal adr and phone nr)

Also, have students note that it’ll need to be updated with her new job-experience. 

If time you can also look at the employment category.

assure students have their own resume at least started. It may need to be w lots of support and to be continued in their advocate meetings. I like to be shared (send me an email or make me a co-editor of the document).

How to create a resume in google docs template- (fast tempo – pause a lot).

If they’re stuck – you can set up a google doc. , and start the template,  and then have them be editors of the doc. by you sending it to them (I hope this makes sense). Call if you have any questions. 🙂


Practical info: Calendar – we’ll miss many Friday’s this term – lets participate while were here


Week 1 To Do: 


Opportunity to go to 


Hi folks!


We are thrilled to be opening registration for the in-person student Manufacturing Tours on Thursday, Oct. 13th from 10-2 PM. Reply to this email to save your school’s seats (up to 15 seats per school, but tell us if you need more)!


Join us with your students on one of three tours being offered on Thursday, Oct.13th in celebration of International Manufacturing month (tour sites TBD). Each bus will visit TWO manufacturing companies within the greater Eugene/Springfield area. Groups will be led on behind-the-scenes tours of these state-of-the-art facilities by the companies’ leaders. 


We will meet at Valley River Center (VRC) by 10 AM. Your students will load our buses alongside peers from other schools. We’ll provide a sack lunch around noon between tour sites and will be back at VRC by 2 PM. One chaperone from your school must accompany your group.


We can reimburse your school for transportation to and from VRC – email an invoice to


Reply to this email to register by 5 PM on Friday, Oct. 7th. Seats are first come first serve.





Video idea: Job Shadow: 

Quick lube – car mechanic (Youtube).





Spring -22

June 3,  last class !!!- (Next Friday is Graduation / Retirement)


Disability Disclosure ;

Disclosure of a disability is not required.

“Job candidates should be aware that once disclosure of a disability or an accommodation request is made, employers may ask the employee about the limitations related to the job and are permitted to make medical inquiries.” 


ASK JAN – this is an excellent resource if you have questions / concerns relating to topics relating to disability/needs.

Not too soon – Not too late…. discuss with your advocate or teacher what is right for YOU. 

Video – dog

WHY How and when to disclose.

NY times article below – (doesn’t always work..),may%20be%20asked%20to%20provide


Practice interviews. Who will practice???    THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE!!


Week 9 May 27th

Calendar – see list. 

Homework – 3 summer jobs! What did you find? 

Cool job search event:

Famous people – summer jobs:


Jobs for Jim Bob: 

  • Cook Pool Snack Shack Cook

Eugene Country Club – $13-18/h

  • Housekeeper

Quality Inn & Suites –

Springfield, OR             $15/hour 

  • Gardener: Seasonal Merchandiser / Garden Center

Smith gardens –        Springfield, OR                 ___$ / hour.


ALSO, you can be creative. Do you enjoy walking dogs? Child care? Gardening? Painting? Pressure washing? …..

You can NETWORK with family and friends and/or set up little notes in your neighborhood. You’d be surprised how much money you can make by doing activities you already like doing. What would your flyer look like? 

Average pay for dog walking: 13+/hour

Average pay for babysitting/childcare: $15/hour


Week 8

Guest Speaker: Pearl Buck Center


If time: Continue to work on resume. Make sure to have this as an agenda item in your advocate meetings. It’s always a work in progress!!

Video resume Michael M:



Week 7. May 13th. 

Guest speaker: WIOA


Guest Speaker: Pearl Buck Center


These organizations will share their summer job opportunities, and ongoing voc programs. Please take advantage of this opportunity.


Week 6 – No school. 


Week 5

Calendar: no School next week on Friday. – Go look for summer jobs? YES!!!

The following week- Guest speaker – Sean Wilkinson – YTP spec.( & Sparklab/Elevate and a great resource for finding/landing a job). 

We’ll also have presentation from PearlBuck see video:

Today: You’ll be working for a long time- What do you want to do? What is a good starting job (entry level) for you? Why?  Make the list. (How can you get there? Anyone in your NETWORK that is able to get you “IN”?) 

Put you name and date on the top: Fill in the boxes, Have FUN!


My Dream job:___

My”OK WITH”  entry level job:___

Why I want it: _________When can I start:___

Hurdles/What will you need help with:___

Other info: ______________


Networking – the “easy” way is Temp agency or Voc Rehab

Reminder video: this is Voc Rehab and JOB DEVELOPMENT SERVICE:

Temp agency:

However, as we discussed – the real NETWORKING happens before any of the jobs get posted on websites or with Voc Rehab etc. Can you make the list of whom you’ll be “networking” with in the next few weeks 🙂 ? Every time you are interacting with someone you have the opportunity to NETWORK and this could lead to a job. 

Work sheet:

Yours: Example
Name:_______________________________     Date:_______________________________

Dream job:__________________________

Why I want it::

My”OK WITH”  entry level job:______________________________

Why I want it:

When can I start:___

Hurdles/What will you need help with:___

Other info: ______________

Name:___Jim Bob Andersson__________     Date:_____4/29/22__________________________

Dream job:__________________________

Why I want it::

My”OK WITH”  entry level job:________Coffee Barrista ____

Why I want it: Fun to work with other young people.

It’s fast pace which I like. 

When can I start:  Yesterday

Hurdles/What will you need help with: Math and counting money can be a little hard. And if it gets too stressful I fear I’ll get anxious. Though I have better calming strategies now…..

Other info: ______________


Week 4. 

Discuss the Job Fair. What went well? Like vs Dislike? 

Fill out the survey & enter lottery for a chance to win $50.00.

What is networking?? Share your ideas…….

Watch the video and think about:

  1. How did he find the info about the company?  How did he reach out to the business?  
  2. How many % of the jobs are NOT advertised according to this video? 

Networking through LinkedIn:

For older people (50+)- but still useful tips:

Networking ideas: 

1. Consult With Recruitment Agencies

Meet and discuss opportunities for employment. Agents can directly market you to their contacts. Also some jobs are not advertised and you can connect directly into this market via the recruiter who will look for suitable candidates to present to their customers.

2. Use LinkedIn

Get your profile out to the market place. Connect with your friends and contacts and ask to be recommended, endorsed and introduced to new potential contacts. Take out a subscription for the Job Seeker package and become a featured applicant and send InMails to the recruiter.

3. Utilize School/Employment Careers Officers, Friends, Family, And Acquaintances

All of these people can also be another good source of information, as you have many people who can spot jobs for you and recommend you to their networks as well.

4. Do Tertiary Training

Training that is tailored to your intended career path and will meet your potential employer’s needs will put you a step ahead of other applicants. Many large companies line up at the universities/training colleges and hire graduates.

5. Take Job-Specific Training Courses

These are great for getting recommended to potential employers by your teacher, coach or trainer.

6. Join Business Networking Organizations

Take a look at your local business network clubs, and maybe even a political party. Ask to attend your local Chamber of Commerce meetings, and your City Council’s social or formal events with a working friend who has an invite. These are great for meeting CEO’s of the local companies.

7. Join Community Organizations

Rotary club, Lions Club International, women’s clubs such as Zonta and Soroptimist International are involved in charity fundraisers and other community/cultural events. Toastmasters are especially good, as this club has members who want speaking self-improvement for professional or personal reasons.

8. Join A Club

Sports clubs, golf, tennis, ski, hiking, men’s/women’s social clubs, yacht, and swimming clubs are all great opportunities to connect. Most clubs have people who make employment decisions, or know someone who does! Getting on club committees can showcase your ability and potential. Ask friends for invites to attend private clubs and organisations. Some of my best past job offers have come from members of clubs that I have been involved in.

9. Find A Mentor Or Patron

Work with a patron who can recommend you. Be guided by your mentor/s, and their network of contacts.

10. Impress Your Customers

Work hard and impress your customers with your competence. They may just be your next employer. Getting the first and last jobs in your career can be the hardest challenges, but if you review the list above and try these options, success will come. Remember that the job you want is waiting for you. Use your new and existing contacts to find it. Good luck and happy job-hunting! This post was originally published at an earlier date.

Are you ready to sign up for LinkedIn? Please follow the steps and plug in the basics. 

If time…. think about….. what is the difference between Linkedin vs a resume…?

 Here is a link from a student on how to sign up for LinkedIN. Step-by-Step

**** Homework …. create the Linkedin account and invite a friend or family member. 

Week 3. NO SCHOOL on April 15th.
However, please look at info below as we’ll have limited time before the Job Fair next Thursday:
As a reminder:

Businesses are expecting YOU to bring a resume to the Hiring Fair.
 Webinar on Resume Building with Holly Tate from the University of Oregon’s Career Center: A copy of the video is here.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.  Happy resume writing!

Week 2: Interview Skills / role-play and practice: 
No School 4/15, Hiring Fair THURSDAY 4/21 (12:30-2:00) see the info below. 
Action: Print out your resumes to bring to job-fair on Thursday!
Today: practice interview skills.   JUST DO IT! 
Tell me about yourself? 
Why should we hire you?
Whats your greatest strength? 
What is your weakness? 
Why do you want to work here? 
Why did you leave your last job? 
What is your greatest accomplishment? 
Describe a difficult work situation and how you overcame it? 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
Do you have any questions for me? 
  1. Strong Work Ethic

Are you motivated and dedicated to getting the job done, no matter what? Will you be conscientious and do your best work?

  1. Positive Attitude

Are you optimistic and upbeat? Will you generate good energy and good will?

  1. Good Communication Skills

Are you both verbally articulate and a good listener? Can you make your case and express your needs in a way that builds bridges with colleagues, customers and vendors?

  1. Time Management Abilities

Do you know how to prioritize tasks and work on a number of different projects at once? Will you use your time on the job wisely?

  1. Problem-Solving Skills

Are you resourceful and able to creatively solve problems that will inevitably arise? Will you take ownership of problems or leave them for someone else?

  1. Acting as a Team Player

Will you work well in groups and teams? Will you be cooperative and take a leadership role when appropriate?

  1. Self-Confidence

Do you truly believe you can do the job? Will you project a sense of calm and inspire confidence in others? Will you have the courage to ask questions that need to be asked and to freely contribute your ideas?

  1. Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism

Will you be able to handle criticism? Are you coachable and open to learning and growing as a person and as a professional?

  1. Flexibility/Adaptability

Are you able to adapt to new situations and challenges? Will you embrace change and be open to new ideas?

  1. Working Well Under Pressure

Can you handle the stress that accompanies deadlines and crises? Will you be able to do your best work and come through in a pinch?

Businesses are expecting you to bring a resume to the Hiring Fair.
Need some resources to build your resume?  Yesterday we hosted a Working Wednesday Webinar on Resume Building with Holly Tate from the University of Oregon’s Career Center.  A copy of the video is here. She also shared these resources with us.


April 21st Hiring Fair for Graduating Seniors

This LIVE list is updated as company registrations come in, so come back frequently to check the list! 

The registration window for companies is March 8th – April 13th.


Company Name  

(click to visit their website)

Job Opening 1  

(click to read the full job desc.)

Job Opening 2 

(click to read the full job desc.)

Job Opening 3 

(click to read the full job desc.)

Rosboro Cleanup Position Hog Tender  
RiverBend Materials Driver Trainee    
Lane County Government Custodian Office Assistant  
9Wood Production Worker    
New Horizons Payroll Specialist Scheduling Coordinator Caregiver/CNA
City of Eugene Recreation Athletic Facility Maintenance Library Assistant  
Aggregate Resource Industries Blaster Apprentice/ Trainee Mechanic Apprentice/ Trainee Shop Helper/ Mechanic Helper
Bish’s RV Body Shop Apprentice RV Technician Program  
Quality Care Connections Childcare Provider    
Merete Hotel Management Front Office Manager Front Desk Agent House Person/ Shuttle Driver
PeaceHealth Food Service Assistant    
Astec Industries – JCI Buyer Maintenance Welder
Eugene Emeralds Baseball Club Game Day Staff    
University of Oregon Dining Food Service Worker Cook   
Oregon Pacific Bank Loan Servicing Assistant    
Eugene Country Club Outside Services Lifeguard/Swim Instructor  
Pearl Buck Center Supported Living Provider Parent Support Services  
Bigfoot Beverages Comissary Night Loader  
ALKO Hotels Hotel Housekeeping Front Desk Clerk  
The Pape’ Group, Inc. Entry Level Truck Technician Rental Coordinator Fleet & Warranty Service Coordinator
Transportation Security Administration  Transportation Security Officer    
Richardson Sports Embroidery Machine Operator Warehouse Associate  



Week 1. Calendar: No School 4/15, Hiring Fair THURSDAY 4/21 (12:30-2:00)  , see info below

What do you want to get out of the term? Summer Jobs….

Video – You make more money working, and you won’t lose your SSI!! 

Businesses are expecting you to bring a resume to the Hiring Fair.
Need some resources to build your resume?  Yesterday we hosted a Working Wednesday Webinar on Resume Building with Holly Tate from the University of Oregon’s Career Center.  A copy of the video is here. She also shared these resources with us.


April 21st Hiring Fair for Graduating Seniors

This LIVE list is updated as company registrations come in, so come back frequently to check the list! 

The registration window for companies is March 8th – April 13th.


Company Name 

(click to visit their website)

Job Opening 1 

(click to read the full job desc.)

Job Opening 2

(click to read the full job desc.)

Job Opening 3

(click to read the full job desc.)

Rosboro Cleanup Position Hog Tender  
RiverBend Materials Driver Trainee    
Lane County Government Custodian Office Assistant  
9Wood Production Worker    
New Horizons Payroll Specialist Scheduling Coordinator Caregiver/CNA
City of Eugene Recreation Athletic Facility Maintenance Library Assistant  
Aggregate Resource Industries Blaster Apprentice/ Trainee Mechanic Apprentice/ Trainee Shop Helper/ Mechanic Helper
Bish’s RV Body Shop Apprentice RV Technician Program  
Quality Care Connections Childcare Provider    
Merete Hotel Management Front Office Manager Front Desk Agent House Person/ Shuttle Driver
PeaceHealth Food Service Assistant    
Astec Industries – JCI Buyer Maintenance Welder
Eugene Emeralds Baseball Club Game Day Staff    
University of Oregon Dining Food Service Worker Cook   
Oregon Pacific Bank Loan Servicing Assistant    
Eugene Country Club Outside Services Lifeguard/Swim Instructor  
Pearl Buck Center Supported Living Provider Parent Support Services  
Bigfoot Beverages Comissary Night Loader  
ALKO Hotels Hotel Housekeeping Front Desk Clerk  
The Pape’ Group, Inc. Entry Level Truck Technician Rental Coordinator Fleet & Warranty Service Coordinator
Transportation Security Administration  Transportation Security Officer    
Richardson Sports Embroidery Machine Operator Warehouse Associate  














2022 Win-term



Calendar, Go over and Select schedule, review of term . What are you hoping to get out of next term?

Spring Break: find paid work over break? how to apply/ask for this….

Job Interviews…..who’s ready? 


Calendar – Checkin  , 1 more Friday after today. 

What’s new? Who’s looking for jobs, who’s been applying for a job, temp job over Spring break? Volunteering for the summer WC?

There are many jobs out there, but you may not get the job you applied for. Don’t give up. It may take as many as 10 attempts (and REJECTIONS) to get the job you like. 

12 Fun Ways to Make Money During Spring Break by Saeed – Verified & Updated March 30, 2021 

How Can I Make Money on Spring Break?

Here are legitimate ways for students to make money while on spring break.

1. Join research firms and take surveys

Join research firms. Some firms are looking for those who can provide their thoughts on their products like new soft drinks, deodorants, and other products that are being developed.

Remember that the 18 to 24 year old segment is in demand. This means that you’ll be a hot property.

Here is a list of legit and new survey sites that actually pay.

2. Drive classmates back home for money

Do you own a car, and constantly travel long distances from work back home? Do you often pass cities and towns that students are eager to visit?

Why not offer your services to students who don’t have a car but would like to go to the cities you regularly pass through?

Advertise in your school’s ride-sharing board and earn money for the driving service.

3. Baby sit

Let your parents tell friends and neighbors that you can watch over their children during your spring break.

Does your spring break match the public schools’ spring break?

Then parents are likely willing to have you take care of their kids.

Why not try set up a “camp” at your folks’ house, invite some friends as you watch and play with children all at the same time while earning extra cash?

4. Clean the cars of your neighbors

Spend a couple of hours washing and cleaning the interiors of vehicles, and make money.

Take note, that some experience in this job will definitely be to your advantage. But, if you have been cleaning your own car religiously and delicately, then cleaning cars will be like second nature to you.

5. Pet sit

A wonderful job for the spring break considering there are plenty of families that will be taking out of town trips. 

These families will need someone to watch over their pets when they’re away. Let people know that you are willing to take care of their beloved pets while they are away.

Just ensure that you create a schedule carefully, and that you check on all the pets you care for every single day so you don’t miss any of the pets under your care.

6. Mow lawns

Do you like being outdoors and frequently mow your own lawn?

Well, this is one good way to earn some cash during your spring break. For sure, there are many homeowners who will be out vacationing and need someone to keep their yards looking good.

If you do a fantastic job, then you can have a number of summer jobs in line, or if you prefer, you can concentrate on mowing lawns all throughout spring after school hours or on the weekends.

7. Work for your parents

Talk to them and tell them you want to earn some cash during your break. Let them know that you can do odd jobs for them.

What if the receptionist at your mom’s office went on vacation?

Then ask her if the office is open to have you as the replacement. Or you can ask your dad if you can fix the roof, or arrange the books in his study alphabetically.

8. Sell your stuff on craigslist/eBay….

Do you have designer clothes and accessories that you no longer wear or use?


Calendar – check in – 2 more classes. 

Review of last week: & continue on Professionalism. 

10 Ways to Be Professional at Work


The benefits of being professional at work include raises, promotions, and the respect from your co-workers. Sometimes it’s difficult to remain professional every hour of the day, but it gets easier when you make professionalism a habit. Focus on your own performance and you’ll start to see the rewards of your hard work.

  1. Be on time in the morning and all day.

If your starting time is 9:00 a.m., then be in your office no later than 8:45 a.m. If your lunch hour starts at noon, then make it a point to be back in the office by 1:00 p.m. every single day. Make it a habit to always be on time.

  1. . Become a resource to the people you work with.

Pay attention in departmental meetings and be sure to read the company memos that circulate through the website and in the company mailbox. If you stay on top of company information, then people will recognize you as a resource and respect your professional approach to your job.

  1. Avoid office politics and gossip.

It’s an unfortunate truth that office politics is a way of life as you climb the corporate ladder. But if you avoid office drama and stay far away from co-worker gossip, then you’ll establish the professional reputation you want.

  1. Dress professionally.

When it comes to dressing professionally, you don’t need to wear a business suit every day. Your job came with a dress code and you need to follow that code. If your job requires a business formal dress code, then follow it. Keep yourself professionally groomed, and always pay attention to your personal hygiene.

  1. Show respect for others in your office.

You don’t need to be the shoulder everyone cries on, but you do need to have respect for others and show common courtesy to your co-workers. If there’s a fellow employee that you’d rather not associate with, then avoid his company and don’t get involved in whispering behind his back.

  1. Always follow company policies.

Most companies create an employee handbook that outlines the policies and procedures you should follow. Carefully review this manual and make sure you’re getting your job done efficiently and to code. Use company policies as your framework for how you perform your job.

  1. Get your job done.

The internet makes it easy to get sidetracked and lose sight of your deadlines. But when you’re trying to be more professional at work, you need to stay focused on your job and remain productive. Create a task list that you follow every day, and avoid the kinds of distractions that cause you to lose sight of your responsibilities.

  1. Carry a notepad with you to write down important info.

As you walk down the hall at work, a manager stops you and asks you to take care of a quick task for him. You agree to it and then get back to your desk. The next morning, the manager informs you that he’ll have to work this weekend to complete the task that you completely forgot about. 

Whether it’s a digital notepad or an old-fashioned pen and paper, professionals carry something with them to write down important tasks and make sure they get done.

  1. Never be afraid to ask questions.

Professionals are eager to learn new things, but they also want to clearly understand what’s expected of them. You need to ask questions and then use the information you get to improve your career.

  1. Look forward to each day.

A professional looks forward to the opportunities and challenges that each new day brings. You shouldn’t dread going to work every morning—instead, savor the opportunity to learn and grow on a daily basis.

What Does It Mean to Be Professional at Work?

Master this way of thinking and composing yourself early on in your career.

By Alison Green 

You probably know that it’s important to be professional if you want to have a successful career, but what does that actually mean? After all, professionalism is rarely taught; you’re supposed to pick it up on your own through a combination of observation and osmosis, but that’s not always easy to do. And learning on the job can be fraught with land mines, since you might not even see your mistakes coming.

So without further ado, here are 10 key elements of professionalism that you should master early in your career.

  1. Pay attention to the cultural norms in your organization, and follow them.If you watch how others in your office operate, you’ll learn all sorts of important things about “how we do things here.” For instance, you might observe that everyone shows up precisely on time for meetings, that they modulate their voices when others are on the phone, and that people rely on email for non-urgent questions. These are important signals for what will be expected of your own behavior – and you’ll come across as tone-deaf if you ignore them.
  2. Be pleasant and polite to people, even if you don’t like them.You will have to work with people whom you just don’t care for, and even with people who aren’t very nice. You’ll look far more professional if you don’t let them get under your skin and instead remain cordial and easy to work with.
  3. Take work seriously.If you make a mistake or something doesn’t go well, don’t brush it off or use cavalier responses like “my bad.” Accept responsibility for your part in what went wrong. Part of taking work seriously leads to…
  4. Speak up when work isn’t getting done on time or when there are problems with a project.Part of taking real ownership for your work means that you’re responsible for alerting your boss when things are going off course, rather than trying to ignore it or just hoping that no one notices.
  5. Realize that getting feedback on your work – even critical feedback – is part of the job; it’s not personal.Getting angry or defensive or otherwise taking it personally when your manager gives you feedback can be an easy trap to fall into, but it will make you lookless professional. And after all, if you care about doing your job well and advancing, don’t you want to know where you need to do better?
  6. You need to write clearly and professionally.That means no text speak, and correct punctuation and capitalization. This doesn’t mean that you need to write as if you were addressing the Queen of England, but you do need to take care that you don’t sound like you’re texting a friend from a nightclub either.
  7. Be flexible.Yes, your workday might formally end at 5 p.m., but if staying an hour late will ensure the newsletter goes to the printer on time, you should do it unless that’s truly impossible. That doesn’t mean to ignore important commitments in your own life, but you shouldn’t let important work go undone just because of your quitting time. Similarly, be flexible when it comes to changes in work plans, goals or other things that might evolve as work moves forward.
  8. Show up reliably.Unless you have pre-scheduled vacation time or you’re truly ill, you should be at work when they’re expecting you to be there. It’s not OK to call in sick because you’re hung over, or because you stayed up late last night watching soccer, or because you just don’t feel like coming in.
  9. Be helpful, and do more than solely what’s in your job description.The way that you gain a great professional reputation – which will give you options that you can use to earn more money, get out of bad situations and not have to take the first job that comes along – is by doing more than the bare minimum required. That means always looking for ways to do your job better, helping out colleagues when you can, and not balking at new projects.
  10. Don’t treat your manager as your adversary.If you have even a semi-decent manager, she wants to see you do well and isn’t your enemy. But if you instead see her as someone whose job is to enforce rules, spoil your fun and make you do things you don’t want to do, it will show – and it won’t look good. Treat your manager as a team-mate, one who has authority over you, yes, but one who’s working toward the same goals as you are. (And if you’re not sure whether this is true of your manager, that’s a big red flag to pay attention to.)

Alison Green writes the popular Ask a Manager blog, where she dispenses advice on career, job search, and management issues. She’s also the co-author of Managing to Change the World: The Nonprofit Manager’s Guide to Getting Results, and former chief of staff of a successful nonprofit organization, where she oversaw day-to-day staff management, hiring, firing, and employee development.


Directions: We have just read 2 articles about being professional: “10 Ways To Be Professional At Work” and “What Does It Mean To Be Professional At Work?”  Please answer the following questions.

  1. Please rate the “10 Ways To Be Professional At Work” article on a scale from 1-5.  5 Means that it was the greatest article ever written, 1 means that the article did not give very good advice.  Make sure you explain your rating system.  What did you like about the article? Or, what didn’t you like about the article? 
  2. Please rate the “What Does It Mean To Be Professional At Work” article on a scale from 1-5.  5 Means that it was the greatest article ever written, 1 means that the article did not give very good advice.  Make sure you explain your rating system.  What did you like about the article? Or, what didn’t you like about the article? 
  3. Based on these articles, what advice should we give to students while working on the school store?  Please list in the box below:







Review of last week – video – what do you think? 

Pre ETS info video:

Job interview: see questions and  practice. 

most common job interview questions

  • Tell me about yourself….
  • Why do you want to work here? 
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What are your weaknesses? …
  • Why should we hire you? …
  • Why do you want to work here? …
  • What are your goals? …
  • Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job? …
  • When were you most satisfied in your job? …
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? …
  • What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?

If time: Keeping a job can be harder than getting it.... What to do if your Co-Worker isn’t “pulling their weight”, or is being“lazy”.. Have you been in this situation? Can you make your team better?  – see video below and also to be continued next week….

Tips to deal with lazy co-worker:

And, how do you interact with someone you’re not getting along with, or not feeling comfortable with? How to appropriately carry on , or end, a conversation….. are there people/co-workers that “steal time” from you? What can you do….



Calendar – who got a job? – weekend plans? 

Review of last class: interview skills and having prepared answers. 

Playing the game! Fake it till YA make it! What do you think? Do you agree?

Let’s continue to build on the interview questions, AND it’s time to really start practicing for interviews. 

If you’re ready we will also start video taping ourselves as there are skills you can practice relating to body language, eye contact, tone of voice etc.


Calendar: any updates or planned absences….. PLEASE get into the habit of reporting when you’re going to miss class/work. 

Events: new jobs, reminder of PRESENTATION from OVRS at 1:00pm. 

WinCo Walk-In Interviews at WSL

Tell me about yourself….& Why do you want to work here? 

We had some good discussions following these hard questions. 

Here is another video on how to answer this qstn if having “no experience” ….


What can you say about yourself

I’ve been taking classes with Connections, I’ve signed up for OVRS, I’ve helped babysit my younger siblings, I play in a soccer rec-league, I help coach a kids soccer team, I volunteer at a community garden, I’m active in boys&girls club, ….. What can you plug in here…

Why do you want to work here………… Flattering the business is smart: I like your product, Ilike being around people, I think i’ll be a good fit because….. My cousin worked here and she had nothing but good things to say about it. I like to ….


Today we’ll continue: with the questions……


What are your strengths:



reliable, trustworthy…. Social & communication (I feel comfortable talking to people of all ages and backgrounds) , I gave a speech at my grandmothers 75th birthday in front of a lot of people. I have also been interviewed for a podcast. I’ve been house sitting for my friends while they were traveling abroad, I have been managing the money for the highschool wrestling team.   

attention to detail & check-lists (I love following the assembly directions for LEGO and IKEA), going over and balancing “the books” for the highschool coffee cart business, organizing books in the library. 

Team player; . In high-school I really enjoyed working in group projects. I’m involved with a yoga group and participate in a ASL-friday night social

Organization: I set up the work stations and in highschool I each week organized the art supply cubbys. Sanitation/Cleanliness: I take pride in having clean work spaces and enjoy following lists of 

Learning new things: I play guitar – it takes a lot of practice and patience to learn to play an instrument. 

Technology: I love learning new things relating to software or tech-gadgets. I’ve installed alexa synced light fixtures in both my house and my uncle’s house. I really enjoy this kind of work.  

Writing: I’m currently taking a LCC writing class and I’ve gotten excellent grades so far. In highschool I liked creative writing and I often helped my friends with giving feedback/improving their writing. 

Let’s add more of your own: 


More typical – hard working and have follow through, (good to back up with a quick example) as when I have helped at my uncle’s car-mechanics shop where I go in and clean the office every sunday morning. 


What are your weaknesses:

(think about something that you’ve been able to work on and improve on…) 

Receive feedback used to be a challenge – I have worked a lot on this and I’m more comfortable and have identified some techniques that help me….(written down, time to process …)

Change in routines: I like it when things are the same from day to day , ( I’ve found though that if I get a pre-notice I do much better on this and this is something I’ve learned to communicate)

Public speaking: I never liked to give presentations at school, and I still feel shy talking infront of a lot of people, (though I have worked on this and I do better if I have time to prepare) 

Talking too much: I can at times get carried away in conversations. (I love get to know people and at times I lose track of time, but I found that having assigned break times when I can engage in conversations is really beneficial)

Time-management: I had a hard time with arriving on time, but with the smart technology of cellphones and reminders I have improved greatly. Actually my last year of highschool I had only 4 “tardys” throughout the year. And in my last job i did even better (i have put down former boss as a reference so you can check)

Lets add:  


Good link –

If time: open a google doc. in a separate window

Lets call it “My interview prep” .

Go through the past 2 week of classes and cut and paste question and answers that fit YOU. We have a few more classes to over questions before we start to practice with MOCK INTERVIEWS. 

INTERVIEW skills: 

Time to practice – let’s pick 5 more questions from the list below. 




Calendar: no school next 2 Fridays. 

Job Interviews: continue from last class and keep practicing interviews. 

Lets do a Kahoot and start thinking about the basics of job-interviews. 

See link: provided on board. 

After this we’ll start practicing how to answer interview questions: 

These are common questions (see below): Pick at least 5 that you feel comfortable answering. Write down the answer and practice sharing it “out loud”. 

Interview Job Questions. 

  • Do you have any recent Job experience working at a job like this? 
  • How did you find out about us?
  • What was your first job? 
  • Do you have any previous work experience in sales?
  • Do you have any recent customer experience? 
  • Do you have any money handling experience? 
  • Do you know how to occupy yourself with other tasks? 
  • How would you handle a difficult customer? 
  • How would you diffuse or resolve conflict in a difficult situation? 
  • Do you have any scheduling conflicts that would keep you from doing the job? 
  • If I were to talk to your previous employer what would they say about you and your work ethic? 
  • Do you have any limits on what you can or can’t do? 
  • Can you give me three strengths and three weaknesses? 
  • Do you have any questions for us or anything else you would like to say or need to know about you? 




Check-in, what did we do over break? anything that can go into the resume? 

-Who can show me their resume? Can it/ does it need to be updated? 

-30 Sec pitch..who has one to share?: See the round table, as the ones filled out by students prior to break are there. Keep practicing this. Think of body language etc. 

-Our next agenda item will be interviews. Typically we’d talk about looking for and applying for jobs, but in these days there are lots of jobs available. So we’ll slowly Prep for interviews.

Watch these videos & Discuss: 

Snag a job: 

Why should we hire you?

Mock interview.




Who is ready to practice? We will need to video ourselves and then analyze ? 



Reminder – we have a long weekend (no school Monday & Tuesday). 

Anyone been applying for any jobs? What kind of seasonal jobs are out there these days? 

Check this out: Hint – who likes chocolate? See’s candies!!,-OR-jobs.html?vjk=391ed9352d5b2963

Please finish writing YOUR elevator pitch & practice with a staff or student. Who is willing to be recorded? The reason for recording yourself is that you’ll notice “things” about how you present yourself. Think about tone of voice, posture, eye-contact….the more prepared we are the better. Good luck!!


Elevator speech. 

Can we do better this one below?

Work on hand out. 


11/5/21    Job Club

Calendar – No class next Friday Nov 12th. 

Inclement weather – what to do? (Hint – look at the website) 

11/5/21   Guest speaker: Josh Barbour

Continue to work on resumes. 







Week 10 June 4th

 Last JOB Club Class: Resume & Jobs – Have you applied to anything?  There are so many jobs out there if you’re willing to try it! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

This was shared with me yesterday, they’re looking to hire people NOW!!!


Once you’re on the job: 

Skills to pay the bills videos:  Videos 2 & 3 (Enthusiasm & team work)

Enthusiasm and attitude:

Comments: ___________

Team Work:


If time: Let’s work on interviews or updating your resume!!


Week 9 – May 28th


Calendar1 more week of Job-Club (last week 6/11 will be a full day activity , hike, water, graduation, FUN….)

Review of last class – Chelsea from OVRS – see questions and answers below. 

Guest speaker today: Josh Barbour  (TNF) 

Week 8 May 21 – No School

Week 7 May 14th

Calendar: reminder – No School next Friday (May 21st). 

Statewide JobCLub

Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Zoom link provided upon registration process
Theme: Ski Resorts

  • OVRS – presentation by Chelsea Miller

The questions we came up with last week: 

What services do you offer? Services are offered to help with any “Barrier to employment” and to do “Career exploration” . E.g. Find what accommodations are needed (stamina, checklists, special tools, communications styles…..). 

What agencies do you work with? (Proj Search, Perl Buck, ARC of Lane County, Key Consulting, Supp Services)

What is the process to sign up with OVRS? (Call when ready 🙂  , can let a teacher at Connections know) 

DO you have expertise in certain areas of jobs? (No, but it’s individualized, they’re also seeing what is a good field and available in our community). 

Are there assessments that you do to see where I fit into a job (physical – cognitive ..)?  (Yes, but it’s not always needed. The goal of these are to identify the accommodations needed to be successful at a job). 

Do you provide on the job training? (like a job coach or someone that will help work through challenges/obstacles).? ( Yes, it’s provided through job-coaching and also identifying steps needed, such as training or a class, to advance in the company and possibly get a promotion.) 

Do you provide help with transportation? (Yes, they help with bus-pass, or help w money for gas (milage reimbursement), or assist with setting up Ride-Source). 

Thank you for Presenting!! 

  • We made it to here- on May 28th we’ll start with “on the job” skills: 

Next – continue resume and start looking at “on-the-job” skills: 

Skills to pay the bills videos:  Videos 2 & 3 (Enthusiasm & team work)

Enthusiasm and attitude:

Comments: ___________

Team Work:



Week 6 (May 7th)

Calendar: regular week on the 14th  but no school on the 21st. 

Friday 14th joined by OVRS – lets think of some questions for Chelsea Miller. 

Also, today – wrap up at 11:45 to assure time for lunch. 

Review last week: Networking and Communication. (think professional – young adults) 

Summer jobs: how is it going? Do you need help looking or applying? 




If we go to and type in “food” you will get tons of hits. (Starting out at a fastfood restaurant is a very good entry level job). But if you want to go into different area


Let’s  work on your resume! See the templates in!

This is a good video link to all the steps involved in creating a good resume: we’ll start it today and revisit it again next week.


Skills to pay the bills videos:  Videos 2 & 3 (Enthusiasm & team work)

Enthusiasm and attitude:


Team Work:


Week 5 – April 30th

 Review of last week:  5 things that get people fired. Why are we able to get a job easier than keeping a job

Share ideas:______, ________, __________, __________, __________, 

Restaurants are needing people.- We are having a big event coming up in Eugene this summer.  Are you willing to be a dishwasher. Cleaning up, Air port (HorizonAir)…..parking monitor…..;events&rciv=evn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS86f0tKTwAhXzDzQIHXfQBUkQ8eoFKAJ6BAgLEA4&safe=active&ssui=on#htivrt=events&htidocid=L2F1dGhvcml0eS9ob3Jpem9uL2NsdXN0ZXJlZF9ldmVudC8yMDIxLTA4LTA2fDQzOTU5NDEyNTY5MzQ1Mjc1NQ%3D%3D&fpstate=tldetail


SUMMER JOB IDEAS:  lets go to make some $$$$


Ramp & Customer Service Agent

Horizon Air 3.5 

Eugene, OR 97440 (Whiteaker area)

$13.38 an hour

  • Assist guests with travel needs (e.g., answering inquiries, baggage, ticketing, checking-in passengers and boarding flights) in a fast-paced environment.

6 days ago

Entry Level Production – Eugene,OR

Weyerhaeuser 3.8 https:  //

Eugene, OR

$18.50 an hour   *  Be able to lift 2-20 pounds regularly, climb steps and ladders, and stand up to 3 hours at a time for 10-13 hours.

Weyerhaeuser, in Eugene, OR, has immediate openings for Entry Level Production Associates on our swing shift (3pm – 11pm) and graveyard shift (11pm – 7am). This position pays $18.50/hr with a benefits package that includes health benefits and 401(k). After successful completion of the probationary period (typically 90 days), that rate of pay will increase to $19.39/hr.


Wildland Firefighter – Entry Level, no experience required

Dust Busters Plus LLC 4.6

Eugene, OR

$17.00 – $21.25 an hour

  • All graduates will be evaluated, and qualifying graduates will be eligible to fight fire during the 2021 fire season with Dust Busters Plus.


 Skills to pay the bills videos: Video 1 & 4  (communication and networking)


Communication – Is it to be talking a lot or is it to be listening a lot? You should all be practicing ACTIVE LISTENING. 


If time: work on your resume! See the templates!

This is a good video link to all the steps involved in creating a good resume: we’ll start it today and revisit it again next week.


Week 4 (April 23)

Note: the flyer is out for the next State Wide Job Cub

Review last weeks topic: Questions: what do you think are the most important of the skills:

Communication, Initiative, problem solving,  planning and organization, self management, learning….

WHY? We can now spend a few minutes looking at different careers and think about how they are having different skills needed to be successful (though some are the same). 

Work in a restaurant : watch video – basic tips… what do they do? Do you want this job? why/why not?

Career as a file clerk. What do they do?

Career as Construction worker. What do they do? Do you want this job? Why or why not?

Those are 2 good career fields that you can start at with little/ no experience or education past highschool. Is this a job you’d like ? why? Why not? 


As mentioned several times we have many students that are able to get a job but it’s often harder to KEEP A JOB

Reasons people get fired. Top 5.


After reading this article, are you surprised by these findings? Why do you think this still happens?


Week 3 (April 16th). 

Opportunity for summer job:

Paid job for the summer? Look at link above!! 

Here is a LOOM link to help explain the steps involved in the application.


Review: Back to ” on the job skills”. First week you watched the video of the young people working on their vocational-skills as it relates to “how to act on the job”. 

You were then asked to fill out the things you already do well vs the areas where you can improve on (list below). Let’s look at these and see if we can narrow it down, and identify what some of the  “on the job skills” you can start working on. This will assure that things will go smoother when you get that job . 

Category  I already do well….. I need to improve on…..
Team work    
Problem solving    
Planning & organize    
Self management    

Questions: what do you think are the most important of the skills above?

Communications, Initiative, problem solving,  planning and organization, self management, learning….



  • Looking at careers: We can now spend a few minutes looking at different careers and how they are 

Career as a file clerk. What do they do?


Career as Construction worker. What do they do? Do you want this job? Why or why not?


These are 2 good career fields that you can start at with little/ no experience or education past high school. Is this a job you’d like ? why? Why not? 

  • As mentioned several times we have many students that are able to get a job 

Reasons people get fired. Top 5.

After reading this article, are you surprised by these findings? Why do you think this still happens? 


Week 2 April 9th 

Individual work with creating a Resume. Use a template from google docs or similar. Enter all info that you currently know (personal info, year graduate highschool etc….)

Don’t worry if there are a lot of “blanks” we’ll work on this together throughout the term. 


Week 1 

This term we’ll start looking into a few more areas once already getting/having a job. We’ve seen throughout the years of teaching at Connections, and from my own personal experiences, that it’s at times easier to get a job than to keep a job. We will start looking at some skills that are needed in order to KEEP a job. 


Employability skills (8 diff skills) on the jobsite. (Brittish) video – 14min.


Here are the 8 different skills mentioned in the video: please give at least one example in each category of something that you do well, and one you need to improve on. 

Copy and paste this list into a google doc. And save it. 


Category  I already do well….. I need to improve on…..
Team work    
Problem solving    
Planning & organize    
Self management    


If you have time. Go over your Resume!! Do you have something you can add? 

YES YOU DO!! Please add for Jan-March 2021 : taking classes with 4J Connections program. (You can make it more specific to say what areas YOU worked on: Cooking, Community involvement, Vocational (jobclub), budgeting…..goal setting…













WINTER TERM 2020-2021


Week 10 (March 12th)

No class today! We are joining the Winter Social at 10:00-11:30. Please click on link below. 

I really encourage you to join and think of this as a “Work Party”. You will be expected to attend some social events where you work, even if this means stepping out of your comfort-zone.


ALSO – next Wednesday March 17th @ 10:00am  will be another statewide JOBCLUB opportunity, and this time it’s on actors/actresses. I’ll post the link here and on the main website.



Week 9 (March 5th) 

So this is the last class!! We have some familiar faces and some guest-interviewers to help us out with the mock interviews today.

Places to interview for are: Restaurant, gardener, garage/mechanic, grocery store… I want you to try to interview for 2 different jobs. 


Calendar: this is our last regular Friday, as next week is the Winter Social, and the following is a no-school day (Spring break). 


So lets get prepped…. I’ll assign you into breakout rooms and you will try your best to “nail” this interview. You can use your notes but remember to look at the interviewer and really do your best to “sell yourself”. 



most common job interview questions

  • Tell me about yourself….
  • Why do you want to work here? 
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What are your weaknesses? …
  • Why should we hire you? …
  • Why do you want to work here? …
  • What are your goals? …
  • Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job? …
  • When were you most satisfied in your job? …
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? …
  • What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?


For Spring term: We’re going to focus on When at WORK: Attitude and enthusiasm…. The way to advance and possibly get a promotion!!


Week 8 ( Feb 26th)

Reminder of the calendar. Only 2 more weeks including today. Today is a trial run and next week we’ll invite guests to do the mock interview. 


Here is an example of some good interview tips.


What do you think? Can you do it? –YES YOU CAN!!

  •  Let’s practice the interview – top 10 questions. I suggest you open up a separate window to have access to the old lessons and select answers  from those classes. 

Your cheat sheet could look like this: 


10 most common job interview questions

  • Tell me about yourself….

Week 4….plug in your answer

  • Why do you want to work here? 
Week 4….plug in your answer
  • What are your strengths? 
Week 6 & 7….plug in your answer...
  • What are your weaknesses? …
Week 6 & 7….plug in your answer
  • Why should we hire you? …
Week 7….plug in your answer
  • Why do you want to work here? …
Week 7….plug in your answer
  • What are your goals? …
  • Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job? …
  • When were you most satisfied in your job? …
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? …
  • What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
We have not really practiced this yet but think of what answers like” what would that someone say about you”. My former teachers would say ……….. (it’s OK to brag and assume people will say GOOD things about you – because WE WILL). ….plug in your answer...


We will split up and go into breakout rooms and just practice the answers you want to to give.  Next week we’ll have community members invited to ask questions. 🙂 


Week 7  (Feb 19th)


We may not have as many classes left of the term…. Possibly Winter social with Springfield program on March 12th, and then March 19th is a no school day, this leaves us with only 2 more Fridays!

– However, the Winter party; think of this as a fun learning opportunity that relates to work. You may need to step out of your comfort zone to participate. It’s like going to an interview or the first few days at a new job. Or, it can be like being in the break room and making small talk with co-workers. They may not be your best friends, but the more you share/participate/interact/stay positive the more you’ll get back. You may also meet friends with similar interests, and it’s not uncommon that people find a partner at their worksite. This is a great opportunity for finding a Healthy Relationship. 

Next Wednesday Feb 24th: presentation from:

 Human Prosthesis Technician, is part of the medical field that replaces missing body parts with artificial devises, see flyer. I’m registered and will post link on the website (you can also register by signing in yourself)


Review: Last week we worked on the interview questions: what are your strengths and weaknesses.

 Keep adding to these: If you haven’t started the Google doc – please do this now. 


Here are some strengths and weaknesses words you can pick n choose from…


Strength Weakness (remember – this should be something you are actually “tweaking into a positive)
Honest, reliable, hard working, organized, team player….

Patient, consistent, pay attention to detail, calm…

Self starter, ambitious, energetic, physically strong

Polite, well mannered, kind, good listener, good with children, good with animals…

Computer/tech  savvy, 

Perfectionist: I’m still working on this and I’m now able to work in teams and accept other peoples opinion.

Stubborn: I wont stop till I solved…

Impulsive….I’m flexible wouldl often take on what was asked of me but ive now realized that I also must focus on completing all my own tasks…

Time management: I used to have a hard time arriving to class in time, or move from one task to next,  but with help of alarms and reminders this is no longer…..

Distracted: I used to be  easily distracted by freinds/cell phone – but with checklists and placing cellphone in backpack when working this is no longer an issue…

Immature: I like to have fun, and to make people around me to laugh and be happy. I’ve realized that at times this can be distracting and being aware of this I’ve deliberately decided to show this side of me more on breaks rather than working. 

Here is a link to 50 words (with explanation) that can help you guide this.


Why should we hire you? 

No Experience”

“Some experience”


Pre-interview Practice Exercise

  1. When I am hired by [insert Employer’s name] for a position as a [insert type of job], my daily work responsibilities and tasks will include: __________________________.
  2. In order to do these tasks, I will need to be able to: [insert the physical, psychological, and emotional qualities that you feel would be important for someone doing the job. Examples: “Get along well with people,” “Meet deadlines,” “Show proactive empathy in forecasting a client’s needs,” “Stand on my feet for eight hours”]: _______________.
  3. For each of the qualities you listed under #2, write down an example of how you yourself have demonstrated this quality in the past. Example: “I demonstrated that I could get along well with people when I volunteered at our local soup kitchen last Thanksgiving.”
  4. I am confident that I can balance this job around my school responsibilities and other activities because: ____________________________________________________.
  5. I am excited about being trained by this company because I am eager to learn how to advance my skills in these areas [insert the job skills that you think you would be taught by the employer in order to do your job well]: ________________________________.
  6. An example of when I completed a difficult project by a deadline is: ______________.
  7. An example of my collaboration and teamwork is: _____________________________.
  8. An example of my dedication and commitment to any project I undertake is: ________.
  9. An example of my ability to show up on time every day is: ______________________.
  10. An example of an occasion where I worked late to get a job done is: _______________.

Suggested Answers

  • I am eager to be one of your best employees, and I hope to work for you for a long period of time. The experience I will gain here is invaluable and once the summer is over, I hope we can arrange a schedule that allows me to continue working throughout the school year.
  • I appreciate the investment your company is preparing to make in me, and I look forward to learning what your company can teach me, and how I can make an impact. My achievements in school and my after-school activities show that I am responsible, trustworthy, and a quick learner. I know that I can put these skills to good use working for you at your company.
  • The investment your company will be making in me will not be going to waste. I am already familiar with this market and feel training will not take the amount of time anticipated. I am ready to start as soon as you need me and I look forward to working with a team who shares the same goals as me.


Written examples: for more experience


Why do you want to work here? (at times similar to above) 

Fun video example:


Video – research the company – but a sleeping pill! We can do better!!

Are you awake..?? I think the Connections-Productions has a void to fill. We should start creating videos to help with the interview skills. 

Video….Caught up in details video (UK).


End of class: 

  •   Were going to do MOCK INTERVIEWS , what is this?

We will practice and then be assigned into breakout groups to do this. It is the best way to learn. 


  • Some jobs to look into for the summer: HIGH PAYING TEEN JOBS!! 

We’re hopeful that vaccinations will allow for this summer to come back to “somewhat normal”. When this happens there are jobs out there. Check out this list of ides of high paying summer jobs….

Check out this video on your own time – Life guard, care giver, landscaper, waitress, petsitter/dog-walker…babysitter, referee for a sport……


Week 6  – (Feb 12)

** extra – snow shoveling!! How to go about it. Volunteer or let neighbors know.. You may get paid, you WILL get appreciated, you will increase your network: REMEMBER it’s not what you know it’s who you know!! Grow that “Networking-tree”!!!

Video on snow shoveling :


  • Presentation – opportunity to learn: The next one is on FEBRUARY 24th at 10:00-11:30, registration will be via this Flyer , presentation via zoom and I will post link on the website. 



I recommend that you start a google doc that you save (and share with your advocate) to have all your interview questions and answers ready to practice. You can cut and paste from this website.  – We will do Mock interviews later on in the term. 🙂 It’ll be FUN!. 

Review last week; we started with interview questions: 

Tell me about yourself….& Why do you want to work here? 

We had some good discussions following these hard questions. 

Here is another video on how to answer this qstn if having “little/no experience” ….


idea on “what to say, – tell me about yourself”

I’ve been taking classes with Connections, I’ve signed up for OVRS, I’ve helped babysit my younger siblings, I play in a soccer rec-league, I help coach a kids soccer team, I volunteer at a community garden, I’m active in boys&girls club, ….. What can you plug in here…

Why do you want to work here………… Flattering the business is smart: I like your product, Ilike being around people, I think i’ll be a good fit because….. My cousin worked here and she had nothing but good things to say about it. I like to ….


Today we’ll continue: with the questions……


What are your strengths:



Think Personality: 

reliable, trustworthy…. Social & communication (I feel comfortable talking to people of all ages and backgrounds) , I gave a speech at my grandmothers 75th birthday in front of a lot of people. I have also been interviewed for a podcast. I’ve been house sitting for my friends while they were travelling abroad, I have been managing the money for the highschool  

attention to detail & check-lists (I love following the assembly directions for LEGO and IKEA), going over and balancing “the books” for the highschool coffee cart business. 

Team player; . In high-school I really enjoyed working in group projects. I’m involved with a yoga group and participate in a ASL-friday night social

Organization: I set up the work stations for science lab in highschool. Each week I organized the art supply cubbys. Sanitation/Cleanliness: I take pride in having clean work spaces and enjoy following lists of how to make sure all surfaces are cleaned to Covid-guidline standards….

Learning new things: I play guitar – it takes a lot of practice and patience to learn to play an instrument. 

Technology: I love learning new things relating to software or tech-gadgets. I’ve installed Alexa synced light fixtures in both my house and my uncle’s house. I really enjoy this kind of work.  

Writing: I’m currently taking a LCC writing class and I’ve gotten excellent grades so far. In highschool I liked creative writing and I often helped my friends with giving feedback/improving their writing. 

Let’s add your examples: 

More typical – hard working and have follow through, (good to back up with a quick example) as when I have helped at my uncle’s car-mechanics shop where I go in and clean the office every Sunday morning. 


What are your weaknesses:


(think about something that you’ve been able to work on and improve on…) 

Receive feedback used to be a challenge – I have worked a lot on this and I’m more comfortable and have identified some techniques that help me….(written down, time to process …)

Change in routines: I like it when things are the same from day to day , ( I’ve found though that if I get a pre-notice I do much better on this and this is something I’ve learned to communicate)

Public speaking: I never liked to give presentations at school, and I still feel shy talking infront of a lot of people, (though I have worked on this and I do better if I have time to prepare) 

Talking too much: I can at times get carried away in conversations. (I love get to know people and at times I lose track of time, but I found that having assigned break times when I can engage in conversations is really beneficial)

Time-management: I had a hard time with arriving on time, but with the smart technology of cellphones and reminders I have improved greatly. Actually my last year of highschool I had only 4 “tardys” throughout the year. And in my last job i did even better (i have put down former boss as a reference so you can check)

Lets add:  

If time: open a google doc. in a separate window

Lets call it “My interview prep” .

Go through the past 2 week of classes and cut and paste question and answers that fit YOU. We have a few more classes to over questions before we start to practice with MOCK INTERVIEWS. 

You can also get suggestions from this website:
Good link –


WEEK 4 (Feb 5th)

Happy Friday! Has anyone been able to look for jobs, or sign up with a temp agency…meet with a job developer…or maybe landed a JOB? 

Please share with class: 

The near future: Lets get prepared. 

Covid numbers are still high, but more people get vaccinated, and hopefully you will too!!

So,  it’s time to make some plans for once this pandemic is “under control”. What do you want to do? Are you ready to work, maybe a summer job? 


Prequiz:  KAHOOT  Anders provide the link. 


Interview skills: – do you have an ELEVATOR  PITCH ? (first 2 min)

Do you have this prepared? We will continue to work on this throughout the term. (We may even have a separate class set up specifically for this). 


Help JimBob (below) when/if he run into a person working at Dutch bros; 

JOB-  Barista at Dutch Bros: Think about: Attitude and enthusiasm.

Speech: ACTION:       Hi I’m JimBob, I’m currently enrolled in a transition program called Connections and do volunteer work at ReStore. Last summer I worked at a Window Cleaning business. I really liked it because I got to be outside, meet people and work in a small team. When I was in highschool I worked at the coffee cart at Churchill High school, I really enjoyed it , but given it’s been about 2 years I realize I really miss it. I really enjoyed making my costumers happy with making coffee treats .   

How can we help JimBob to add more / change it / improve it …..


Answers to 10 most common job interview questions

  • Tell me about yourself….
  • Why do you want to work here? 
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What are your weaknesses? …
  • Why should we hire you? …
  • Why do you want to work here? …
  • What are your goals? …
  • Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job? …
  • When were you most satisfied in your job? …
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? …
  • What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?

We will later create some answers for various jobs: 






(what are things that interviewer want to know about you – TEAM PLAYER? Can work independently? Attention to detail? …….



I like your product…..

I like working in small team…I like working independently….

I met someone at a party that works for you and they said they really like….

Being outdoors and working with my hands…..

I always been curious about…..

Lets think of others….


Next week strengths and weaknesses questions….


Week 3 (Jan 22nd) 

  • Schedule: No school next Friday. 
  • Covid & Vaccines. (see 4J website and info metrics chart). 





  • *****JobClub Opportunity:

    Mark your calendar!

    Panda Express: Klick on link below

  • Stateswide Job Club


How to GET a job and KEEP a job!!

WHEN:  Date: Wednesday January 27 Time: 10:00am—11:30am

Zoom link will be posted on our Connections- website. 



When applying to Panda express, what shall we know about the company? 

See the basics here on Wikipedia:

  • Don’t forget to check your LinkedIn account or check with temp agencies: I found some jobs in landscaping and the previous “insta-shopper” (see last class+ video on how it works here):
  •  There are jobs out there. Click on link below and select Eugene area, within 20miles, hit search…’ll most likely find something you’re interested in.


Answers to 10 most common job interview questions

  • What are your weaknesses? …
  • Why should we hire you? …
  • Why do you want to work here? …
  • What are your goals? …
  • Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job? …
  • When were you most satisfied in your job? …
  • What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? …
  • What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?


Lowe’s videos – team and working your way up 🙂


Week 2 (Jan 15th)

Review last class: resumes – did you update with info from Fall term and Winter break? 

Car mechanic: Jiffy Lube (Quick Lube), who would want to work there? Why / why not?


Kahoot quiz: Anders will share the link. (


  • Job-shadow at a store like Safeway & Costco 

(Costco – old 2010)


All day


Stocking shelf:

Anders job shadow: A job I thought would be cool – private investigator : surveillance – watch outside an apartment for 4 hours…. Not what I had hoped…. pros/cons to all jobs….


 Review: Look for jobs in 2021. What can you do? What are you willing to do given the Covid situation? See joblistings on indeed/monster or other jobserach engine.


I want to be an insta-shopper! What do they do?

 I want to be a store protection specialist! What do they do?;jobs&q=job+search+eugene+oregon&hl=en-US&kgs=3641d8148284f710&shndl=-1&source=sh/x/im/textlists/detail&entrypoint=sh/x/im/textlists/detail&safe=active&ssui=on#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=job+search+eugene+oregon&htidocid=IuNkbARvwHR2Xv5iAAAAAA%3D%3D


  • What we’ve found when making the tours and visits to various companies in Eugene several use the “TEMP AGENCIES” for their initial hire.


Week 1 (Jan 8th) 

NEW YEAR – Welcome BACK!!

Resume – revisited; Have you added anything to your resume? I’m sure you did something over the break…. Can it go into any part of your resume.?  Cleaning, organizing, walking dog, babysitting, working on art, writing….

These are all skills that fit in your resume. If you didn’t – no biggie – it’s a new year and we’ll start adding to this list. 


 Let’s look at

follow these steps and at the end – do not put in your credit/debit card info when you get to this step,   but rather take a screenshot of the site with all your awesome info (see Anders example) . You can also save it as a text (the format will change, but the info is still there). 

This is a good activity to do on your own or together with your advocate/ team-member. 


Job Shadow: 

Quick lube – car mechanic (Youtube).

This video focus on all tasks involved. This is not including the steps prior to arriving to work, checking in, safety equipment…nor does it include end of day routines. And receiving feedback from the supervisor etc. 

Would you be interested in this job? Why or why not?


Please work on your resume and send updated version to Anders, or your advocate.  









FALL TERM  2020-2021

Year  2020 below.  

Dec 18th

You did it!! Last class of the year!!! 

Let’s review of the term. What was good? What was not working?

We covered: resume , soft skills, Networking, Accommodations, professionalism / followthrough, communication, team-work. 



For next term: What do you want to focus on next term?  Vote by writing the top 5 categories in the chat. (or the number order):

1 resume

2 letter of recommendations

3 asking to use someone as a reference

4 job searching

5 job application

6 interviewing 

7 prep for interview (dress, act…). 

8 Other (write the specific topic). 

Look for for jobs over Winter Break. What can you do? What are you willing to do given the Covid situation? See joblistings on indeed/monster or other jobserach engine.


Request an informal interview

Writing an email requesting services/informational interview templates . (Also, do you have a “professional” email address?)

Help Jim Bob adjust his email requesting informational interview, or support from OVRS.  


Old Way New Professional Way
Hey Vet Dr. lady 

So, I graduated Highschool last year, I’m bored and just wanna get a job. I like animals, kinda. Can you tell me what to do? I need you to call me and tell me everything about it. Oh, and also I have the right to a job at your Vet place job because I have a learning disability. 

Thanks man

JB ‘DaMan’!!!

My email:

Some guidelines: 

How to ask for an informational interview by email
  1. Keep it short. Everyone is busy. …
  2. Be clear about why you are reaching out. The beginning of the email should describe why you are reaching out. …
  3. Be up front about you. …
  4. Be specific and flexible in your ask. …
  5. And don’t forget the subject line. …
  6. ps- some bad email etiquette habits to try and avoid.

Dec. 4th. 

  • Reminder: NEW SCHEDULE is posted on website!! Register for classes in your advocate meeting. 
  • No school next Friday. 
  • Last class of the term (Dec 18th). Any activity requests for last class?

Guest speaker OVRS – Chelsea Miller. 

  1. Introductions; Say your name and years in program and if you feel ready to apply for jobs. 
  2. Take notes….

After Presentation. How would you invite Chelsea to a meeting ? 

Writing an email requesting services. 


Help Jim Bob adjust his email requesting informational interview, or support from OVRS.  


Old Way New Professional Way
Hey Vet Dr. lady

So, I graduated Highschool last year, I’m bored and just wanna get a job. I like animals. Can you tell me what to do? I need you to call me and tell me everything about it. Oh, and also I have the right to this job because I have a learning disability. 

Thanks man

JB ‘DaMan’!!!



Do you need help with getting a Thanksgiving meal? Please email to Anders or Jasmin (  or )

Label the email Thanksgiving and make sure you give us your current address

No Class next week. Thanksgiving. 


You want a JOB? I saw that Fred Meyers is hiring, see application and info below.


  • Review last week. Solution finding….. How did it go with your NETWORKING? Did you complete your Networking tree?? 


First impression – showing interest, and the WH-questions…smile, ask questions….


****Active listening****** 

Fake it till ya make it 🙂


  • NEXT CLASS (Dec 4th), Chelsea from OVRS will be our guest speaker and we should prepare some questions for her.  If you are a 3rd year student, or just feel ready to work. (She will be invited to your 3rd year IEP). What questions shall we ask her? 
  • Are YOU ready for OVRS? Have you tried  applying for jobs – have you been in an interview? How do you share your disability and your needs?
  •  Work on how to share your disability and needs and accommodations

Consider sharing a letter from website see below. What do you share and how… if you provide the SOLUTION it is more likely to be a good outcome. Think about the solution in the video from the daycare setting that we watched last week…. 


In you words problem identified Accommodation

solution – (Can all use it?)

I can’t read these instructions/manuals with lots of text  text , reading is hard visuals/photos, video or text to speech program.  (all can use it)
I must move around a lot and can’t focus when sitting still for long periods of time sitting for too long -frequent breaks

-change job task after every 30 min

I get annoyed when people are talking loud or there are noise in the background loud noises -headphones, earplugs

-separate workspace

-”white noise machine”

Would you consider doing this? 

Sample Accommodation Request Letter

The following is an example of what can be included in an accommodation request letter and is not intended to be legal advice.

Date of Letter

Your name

Your address

Employer’s name

Employer’s address

Dear (e.g., Supervisor, Manager, Human Resources, Personnel):

Content to consider in body of letter:

    • Identify yourself as a person with a disability
    • State that you are requesting accommodations under the ADA (or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 if you are a federal employee)
  • Identify your specific problematic job tasks
  • Identify your accommodation ideas
  • Request your employer’s accommodation ideas
  • Refer to attached medical documentation if appropriate*
  • Ask that your employer respond to your request in a reasonable amount of time

Sincerely, Your signature

Your printed name

Cc: to appropriate individuals



Week 4 (Nov 13th)

Review of last week; Who has created their Linkedin account ? Do you want to connect with me? Remember it’s important to have a “good digital footprint” and Linkedin will be on of the first things employers check in on…. 

We also discussed NETWORKING…how does this look when in Covid times?

What can the “Networking tree” via Connections look like?  Concept map. 



Professionalism and follow through. This can be worked on and if you have this skill. First impression:

Problem solving skills / solution finding

Here is a blank “Net working Map” who will you put in the boxes? 

Think about: How do you meet people and how do you make the FIRST IMPRESSION a good one.? This is looking a bit different when in Covid times. Some remain the same …. As a group, lets discuss what is the same and what is different.





Nov 6th (Week 3)

Finally we’re having a Friday again- welcome back to JobClub!!!

I’ve gotten several Resumes sent to me – THANK YOU!!! If you want to continue working on them please let me or your advocate know. Is there anyone willing to share their resume with the class today?  

Today we’re going to work on ……….  NETWORKING: 

What is networking?? Share your ideas…….

Watch the video and think about:

  1. How did he find the info about the company?  How did he reach out to the business?  
  2. How many % of the jobs are NOT advertised according to this video? 

Networking through LinkedIn:

Here is a link to signing up for LinkedIN.

Are you ready to sign up? Please follow the steps and plug in the basics. 

If you’re stuck on career field and would like to explore more – please check out this link to get some career ideas:

If time…. think about….. what is the difference between Linkedin vs a resume…



OCT. 23rd – NO SCHOOL!!


Week 2 (Oct 16th)

1. Continue with resume building. 

Have you had someone look at your resume and give you feedback? It is important to work on your resume often and make updates to it.

Also , do you have at least 2 letters of rec, and at least 2 references? (These should ideally NOT be a family member). Why do you think this is important? 

Send to :


2. We’re now starting to work on SOFT SKILLS.

Why is it called SOFT skills? Why are they important? Can you think of another word/terminology to explain “soft skills”?

Watch videos 1, 2 , 3 and while watching think of the following questions: how we can improve on these scenarios? Have you experienced being in a similar situation?

Video #1. Communication

Video #2. Enthusiasm and attitude

Video #3. Team work

Hint – these are all qualities that will fit well into your resume. Do you have these “SOFT” skills in your resume?

Please keep sending drafts of your resume to Anders and remember there is no class next Friday. (But please keep working on your resume). 


Job Club Class

Week 1

 What do you hope to get out of the class? What do you want to work on? Some topics that we’ll cover:

Student Answers:

talking and not talking to much on who ever is asking me

How to work with other people.

how to talk to your employer about the accommodations you need to be successful at whatever job you’ll have.
Workplace behavior for maybe someone applying for a job or is just starting out in a job and doesn’t know the best behavior needed in a job place.?
What is important information to put on a job application and share with the employer and isn’t important.

interview expectations would be good to go over 

To cover: resume, assessment (what do I like), reality check (are there likely jobs), job search, apply for job, prepare for job, job interview, connect with OVRS,


Qstns: Do you have a resume? When was the last time you worked on it/updated it? Have you had anyone give you feedback on your resume? Is it in a google doc or some format that you can easily edit/ share with other people.? 

Examples: “The traditional”, “The video resume”, “The anime”, 



Jim-Bob Anderson

123 Angel Blvd    




●      Dependable

●      On time

●      Hard working

●      Efficient

●      Team player

●      Willing to learn new things


Hult Center / Food Service set –up, volunteer


School Grounds, School Based Coffee Shop, Barista/Customer Service

2018 – 2019

●      Preparing hot and cold beverages

●      Delivery of beverages

●      Merchandising, handling cash transactions

●      Taking inventory

NextStep Recycling, Volunteer

2018 – 2019

●      Dismantling electronics

●      Organizing/ categorizing donations

Food For Lane County, Warehouse Volunteer


●      Processed food donations

●      Organizing/ categorizing donations

Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts, Volunteer


●      Customer service

●      Merchandising

●      Pricing

●      Organizing/ categorizing donations


Churchill High School, Eugene, OR

●      Student of the Month, December 2018

●      Golf Team Member, Spring 2016

●      Graduating Spring 2019


Anders Pettersson – Teacher 4j       541-912-3618


anime resume



Video resume



  • Homework:

* Create a resume or update your already existing one (you can copy the “Jim Bob Anderson” if you don’t have a template already.)

* Make sure it’s in a google doc. so you can share with teacher / future employer.

* Share the google doc. with Anders   ( 

* HINT: Do you have anything listed from March – September 2020?  Please add something you’ve worked on during this time period. Remember “big time gaps” in a resume is not a good thing.

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