Last class!
Calendar & schedule!
How was the visit to SLLEA? Who was there?
Did we watch this video on hygiene ?
Clean that Vaccuum!!
Info from our guest speaker Holly (from SLLEA)
Clogged toilet
3 ways to unclog a drain
Leaking faucet
How to turn of the main water – this is only needed if you have a BIG LEAK that wont stop by turning off under the sink.
——See Anders walk outside
Week 9.
Calendar – one more week left. Reminder: Pizza Fundraiser!!
Guest speaker – SLLEA!
Cleaning your cleaning supplies – the vacuum!
Week 8.
Check in about last week presenter (Mainstream Housing) . Thoughts? Feedback…
Also, next week new guest-speaker/presenter – SLLEA.
Calendar and new schedule – what would you like to see a class on this Spring.
Class – continue with Bedroom (last week we saw only 1st video) – now let’s look at the “nasty stuff” 🙂
Week 7.
Guest speaker – Mainstream Housing:
The Bedroom
This is a good video of the structure of how to assure you clean or surfaces in the bedroom. Her room is very large and nice but the steps are good.
How often shall you change your sheets?
How gross is you pillow?
Gross facts about your bedroom: This list is a bit nasty , but there is some important information in there.
Cleaning sheets, dusting, bedbugs, dust mites….
Pillows, duvets, sheets…how often do you change it and wash it.
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Week 6 – The Bathroom
Calendar, Visit to apartments & supported living (I called Umbrella Properties again – hoping to hear back for a visit):
How to clean your bathroom:
Cleaning your towels: how often to wash them and when is it time to throw it away?
Use your own towel (do not share w family member/roommate, reuse no more than a week (preferably change 2 times/week), if you’re sick wash daily,
Are we able to get rid of all the bacteria ?? NO! (only hospitals are able to fully do this). But with frequent washing and allowing to dry you’re doing the best you can.
What cleaning products should you never mix?
Bleach is a controversial substance when it comes to household (and especially kitchen) use. With increased awareness about chemical exposure and the impact on both our health and the environment, many of us have tried to decrease our overall load, including the products we use to clean our homes. Solutions like vinegar and Castile soap have become increasingly popular.
But here’s the thing, I will not give up my bleach. (I’m also the one who’s written about the times I’ve switched from natural products to more commercial choices.) Why? There are seasons in life when I just really need to get those whites white or make absolutely certain that I’m killing germs. If you use bleach — or are thinking about using bleach! — I support you! I just want to make sure a few key things are on your radar.
The Right Way to Use Bleach
First of all, it’s important to note that bleach is technically not a cleaner; it’s a disinfectant. Bleach’s potency is greatly reduced with it comes into contact with dirt. So clean first, then use bleach to disinfect, if needed.
Bleach alone is not a substance to be trifled with: Bleach should always be stored away from children, diluted with water, and used with gloves and eye protection if there’s a risk of contact exposure or splashing.
Related: Mistakes to Avoid When Using Bleach in the Kitchen
But the real risk with bleach comes when it’s mixed with other chemicals. Here are a few of the dangerous, sometimes deadly, ramifications of mixing bleach with other substances.
Things You Should Never, Ever Mix with Bleach
- Bleach and ammonia. This is probably the most well-known no-no when it comes to bleach. The problem is that many cleaners surprisingly contain ammonia (mildew cleaner does, for instance). Which is why we say to never mix bleach with other cleaning agents — because you might not realize that something has ammonia in it! When combined, bleach and ammonia produce chloramine gas, which can burn your eyes and respiratory tract and can cause internal organ damage. And if the concentration of ammonia is high enough, hydrazine may be produced, which is not only toxic, but also explosive.
- Bleach and vinegar. Vinegar seems so innocuous, but not so when it’s mixed with bleach. The combination produces chlorine gas, as in the chemical warfare agent. Chlorine gas causes coughing and will irritate mucous membranes. It causes chemical burns and can be deadly if concentrations are high enough or exposure is prolonged. Vinegar is not the only acid that produces chlorine gas when mixed with bleach. Any acid mixed with bleach does the same, including lemon juice and some toilet bowl cleaners (hence the reason you should never pour bleach in your toilet bowl).
- Bleach and rubbing alcohol. This combination produces chloroform, which can knock you out! And if you pass out, you’re obviously unable to move yourself to fresh air. Breathing too much chloroform is deadly. Other dangerous substances can also be produced by combining bleach and rubbing alcohol, including hydrochloric acid (which can cause chemical burns), and chloroacetone and dichloroacetone (which can lead to organ damage, cancer, and other diseases).
My point? Because bleach is so reactive, the best rule is to never, ever mix bleach with anything besides water.
Week 4: (Week 5 below)
If time: Let’s start thinking about the CLEANING of you “crib”
This may be a little disturbing….. – lets start in the kitchen 🙂 with some tips on how to organize your steps of cleaning.
Cleaning the kitchen – what did you think of this video routine?
Kahoot? – Anders provide passw- see sticky note:
Toxic and safe pots and pans. – worth thinking about for your kitchen.
This is IF you have the “luxury” of selecting what you want, please do your research on this. (HINT: this can be wished for if you’re having a nice little housewarming party ).
Week 5. (Feb 12) (Kitchen continued)
So, last week we watched the cleaning video of “how to clean the kitchen” and we watched the “dangers” of old and worn cookware (pots and pans).
We’re going to stay a bit longer in the kitchen area, as it is a place where people tend to congregate to. In your “first crib” it may not be the fancy hang-out spot as you see in cookingshows but it really sets the tone for what people will think about “YOUR CRIB”. So, having it be clean and uncluttered is a great idea. You want to be PROUD of your place.
5 nasty things in your kitchen – and how to keep it clean:
The below video may be less of a concern in your very first apartment as you’ll most likely have very little to start off with. But the idea is still valid and important. Check out the video and share what you think.
Declutter your kitchen: what shall I get rid off:
Once we have finished the kitchen we’ll move on to the second part of your apartment that will be “judged” by visitors and can cause a health/sanitation concern: THE BATHROOM.
Week 3
Review – last week we did on line searches to find apartments in our price range (and yet in OK location and looking nice). I reached out to the apt complex down the street (Umbrella properties) and I’m still waiting to hear back to see if we can get a tour.
We also discussed briefly the contract and what to look for (make sure you know what you sign)
Kahoot: Rental agreement: (same as pretest – see improvement).
Eviction – can you avoid it? Is it fair?
Quick glance at our upcoming visits / presenters.
SLLEA -info :
Mainstream housing:
If time: Let’s start thinking about the CLEANING of you “crib”
This may be a little disturbing….. – lets start in the kitchen 🙂 with some tips on how to organize your steps of cleaning.
Cleaning the kitchen – what did you think of this video routine?
Kahoot? – Anders provide the link:
Toxic and safe pots and pans. – worth thinking about for your kitchen.
This is IF you have the “luxury” of selecting what you want, please do your research on this. (HINT: this can be wished for if you’re having a nice little housewarming party )
Week 2. (Jan 22nd)
Mainstream Housing: (be here 2/26 bus trip 2/29)
SLLEA: (be here 3/11 and bus trip 3/14)
Video on applying for HACSA – This is now HOMES FOR GOOD, Section 8 Affordable housing:
What it is:
How to apply (paperwork).
Responsibilities of being a home owner: (snow/ice)
This will be the landlords responsibility unless specifically assigned in your contract.
Let’s look for an apartment – how much is it ? what’s your budget?
Zillow,, craigslist….
Week one: (Jan 8th)
Calendar: We’ll miss next Monday (MLK)- possibly more…..
What do you hope to get out of this class?
Do you have a friend/family-member that has his/her own apartment ? Have you been to an empty apartment or house-warming party with little to no furniture?
Kahoot. (intro quiz) Anders Provide link. (Apt contract- quiz)
Rental Agreement/contract.
- Finding a “CRIB”, and keeping it:
Search for apartments: think – Location, location, location…..OR??? ,
- Application process:
- Renter – what to look out for
- $$$$$$ money – it will cost money…. Application fee, first and/or last months rent, security deposit, moving cost, …….
- Identification:
You’ll need to prove who you are, so come prepared, with a license, passport or government ID.
Rental history:
- If you have a bad rental history and have trouble finding an apartment that will approve you for a lease, consider renting with someone else or finding a cosigner. This way, a landlord isn’t only depending on your history, but will also take into account your roommate’s rental history or co-signer’s credit health.Mar 27, 2020
- Be VERY careful with signing together with someone you don’t fully trust or know.
- Ways to help get apartment even without this:
- Advance Payment
Paying extra up front is typical with any lease. Most apartment complexes require first and last month’s rent, plus a deposit. If your credit rating is low, or your credit history is thin, you can offer to pre-pay a few month’s rent – if you have the cash – to help your application get accepted.
A Larger Deposit
If your credit history is less than stellar, you may be asked for a larger deposit, to cover extra costs of cleaning and re-renting the apartment, on the chance you can’t fulfill your obligation.
- Credit Check,
- Credit Bureaus also provide the landlords with the credit reports, however, these services that are offered by Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax are usually shown as a soft inquiry on your credit report, and they require you to initiate the credit check yourself
- References.
- Friends, neighbors, bosses, coworkers, even priests . . . all can vouch for your integrity, stability and potential as a tenant. A letter of recommendation from your current employer, stating your earnings, can also help a manager decide you’re a good risk.