Update Your Goal Guide and My Life Accounts Independently!

screen-shot-2016-11-13-at-4-33-45-pmMany students have goal guide goals that they are tracking at their worksite.  Your challenge this week is to update your Goal Guide Account when you complete your goals!     You can access your goal guide account on your smartphone or tablet (I made mine look like an app on my iPhone).  You can also access your account on your computer at https://connect.cognitopia.com/apps/goalGuide!  Once you sign in, just go to your dashboard, choose the goal guide app and update your goals!

Many Connections students have been using My Life to facilitate your IEP meeting!  Facilitating your own IEP is great practice for job interviews and meetings where you will have to self advocate on your own. Your challenge is to become familiar with your My Life Portfolio so that you are ready for your next meeting!  Connections Staff have been getting tons of complements on student’s self advocacy at IEP meetings this year!  Keep up the great work!

Many of you have classes at Lane Community College Downtown Center. Many of you utilize the tables in the hallway when you are waiting for class to begin or eating lunch. Everyone has been doing a fantastic job following hidden rules at Downtown LCC.  We just wanted to remind you of the following:

  1. The tables outside the classroom are for quiet activity.  You may read, play video games with headphones, listen to music with headphones, do homework.
  2. There are classrooms next to the tables.  Voices and Laughter carries throughout the building.  Loud conversation and laughter will be disruptive to those classes
  3. You may listen to music with your headphones.  Please do not play music without headphones in the LCC building.  It is too disruptive.
  4. You do not have to wait for classes in the LCC Building.  The library, LILA, and Addictive Behaviors all have places to hang out.  Keep in mind that loud conversations and music would not be appropriate in those settings either.

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