Do Your Homework This Week and Get A Free Item From School Store!

687474703a2f2f7777772e776973657061792e636f2e756b2f73746f72652f696d616765732f75706c6f616465642f6c6f5f7265735f70726f647563745f34313534305f3039303031332e6a7067Your homework is important!  Part of being a Connection student is tracking assignments outside of class.  We will ask you to do homework/away work at times to enhance what we are doing in the classroom and give you opportunity to practice. Connections homework is meant to be practice for the real world.  For example, you live in your own apartment you have homework when you need to pay bills on time, balance your budget or complete your chores. If you get in the habit of completing your homework outside of class in Connections you will develop strong habits for when you need to do it in the real world.

This Just In…  Students who complete their homework between October 31 and November 4 will get a coupon for a free item in the School Store!  Complete your homework this week and enjoy your free item!

You’ve been warned!  The flu season is here, and it is time that everyone protects themselves from the flu (and other illnesses)! Please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often, especially when you are entering or leaving public buildings (and bathrooms).   
  1. Cover your cough with your elbow (not your hands).
  1. If you are feeling sick, Please stay home.  Get rest, feel better, and come back to Connections when you are 100% healthy!  If you do stay home, please make sure that you call the staff who is teaching your class/advocate/work crew!Be responsible: always call when you are absent or late!

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