Sign Up For A Registration Time Today!

IMG_1282I would like to offer a big CONGRATS to the Plan an Event Class.  These legendary students planed our first ever school dance.  I heard the event was a gigantic success and and a good time was had by all.  I am impressed with your follow through and drive.  You should be very proud of yourselves for a job well done.

Time sure flies when you are having fun.  Can you believe that the Winter term is almost over?  Here is our schedule for the remainder of the term:

March 10 through March 14: Normal Scheudle

March 17 and 18: Normal Schedule

March 19: No Connections: Staff Grading Day

March 20: Registration for Spring Term: Sign Up For A Registration Time Today!

March 21: Community Enrichment: TBA (Might be Alumni Afternoon)

You can sign up for a Spring Term Registration time with any Connections staff today.  If you have a conflict and can not attend registration on March 20, see your case manager as soon as possible and schedule an alternate time.

Our Spring Term schedule as slightly changed.  Due to December’s snow days, several school days were added back on our calendar.  Spring Term now begins on March 31 (not April 1).  In addition, April 17, April 18 and May 23 are now school days (originally they were furlough days).

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