Brand Awareness Part 2

Description-Find three brands/logos that you really like – can be for any organization, for-profit or non-profit, company, etc. Include the design in your post along with a brief statement about why you find it appealing, history, and what features and treatments allow it to succeed. Any prescriptive advice on improvements is also encouraged.


Netflix was made in 1997. I spend most of my day on Netflix. I really like Netflix because they have a wide option of shows/movies. Netflix is a sight where you pay $1o a month and you get a lot of things to watch. I think Netflix is a good idea because you don’t have to buy every show/movie you watch. It saves my family a bunch of money because I finish a whole TV series in a month. I also like how it has older shows that when I was little could not watch. I like the logo because it is very clean, the colors grab your attention, I like how the fount makes it even more clean a crisp, and I like the arch because it also grabs your attention and it reminds me of a movie title of the name of a movie theater.

Too faced Makeup

Too Faced was made in 1998. I really like Too faced makeup because it is a really good makeup brand. Too Faced is a makeup brand. They sell face products, eye products, and lip products. Makeup is a type of mineral that you can put on your face. One thing I like about Too Faced is there packing. When people look at makeup they first see the packing and if you don’t like the packing you probably won’t pick it up Too Faced knows that too. I like there logo because it is pretty cute. It is cute because it has a pretty pink color background, it also looks old fashioned which is cool.


Lush was made in 1995. I like lush because they have really good bath products. Lush is a vegan and not tested on animals cosmetic brand. They sell a bunch of shower products that no one has on the market. Lush just started selling makeup. There logo is my favorite. It is cool on how the letters go from big to small. I also like the colors they use.

Reflection-For this assignment we had to find three brands and write about there history, why we like them, and what I like about the logo. I liked doing this assignment because I got to learn more about some of my favorite brands.