Jan 19 2018

Weekly Update: Week #5

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: Well, I have a well done version of the ladder, however now we are thinking about going to 80 pages giving the advertising more room for ads and us more room for creativity. So I’m going to be back to square one on that. Haven’t gotten any more cover submissions, thinking I may just make one myself… over all it was a productive week.

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Goal: Week #5

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goal: This week I hope to call Anna and figure out the problem with my email. Once I work that out I would love to finalize out most recent version the ladder so that we can organize a small meeting with her about webease and things.

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Update: Week #4

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week I ended up finding out that the advertising pages needed to be increased to 3.5 pages. I tried to get in contact with Anna about a meeting soon to figure out wether or not we can have a meeting soon, unfortunately I couldn’t email her. I hope I can call her and organize that next week.

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Goals: Week #4

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goals: This week I would love to be in more contact with advertising, because the amount of ads they are getting is increasing rapidly and I need to know how many pages they need before I can really complete the ladder.

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Update: Week #3

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week Mr. Schiff and I got through about half of our next version of the ladder. Unfortunately since it’s not finalized I could not assign pages. I was also in contact with Anna quite a bit this week.

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Goals: Week #3

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goals: This week I want to work on our next revision of the ladder with Mr. Schiff. I would love to see some more cover submissions, but that’s not really under my controll. If we can finish the ladder, I would love to try to assign pages. 

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Update: Week #2

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week Schiff and I finished one of the ladders, but then we realized that we made a few mistakes so we have to start another one. All of the posters are up, and the video is running. Also, I did get a chance to look at some templates and tab the ones I liked.

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Goal: Week #2

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goal: This week we need to get all of the posters up. I would like to look at some options for the ladder with Mr. Schiff, and also pic out so,e page templates. I would like to finish the ladder sooner than later so that we can get pages assigned.

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Update: week #1

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week all the posters got finished, all that’s left to do is hang them up. I also did talk to Salmond about the video on the announcements, and it will run for a week. Hopefully we will get a few more covers submitted. 

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Jan 19 2018

Weekly Goals: Term 2: #1

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly goals: This week my goal is to make sure that posters for the cover contest are done. I also want to talk to Salmond about getting the video for the cover contest on the announcements. I also would like to get more of a start on the ladder.

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