May 08 2018

2nd Half of 3rd Term Project Proposal

Published by

Johanna Gilbert

Per. 6, 5/7/18


Special Project Proposal


    For the second half of third trimester I have chosen two projects to complete in addition to keeping up my blog in order to get an A+ for my final grade. These projects are: a powerpoint instructing future yearbook heads on how do do their job efficiently and effectively, and a video welcoming the new 6th graders to be shown on their orientation day that will inform them of the ropes, activities, and tips of how to be successful.


Project 1: Yearbook Head Instruction Power point:

    This project will include one power point. The power point will inform future yearbook heads on what the job entitles, their responsibilities, the time frame, tips and tricks, and how to manage the team. It will focus a lot on organization, and how to do the job without losing their minds.


Project 2: Yearbook Labeling:

This means I will coordinate and be in charge of the team labeling the yearbooks when they get shipped in. I will get a team together and coordinate them for times and such. I will also make sure to communicate with Alexis and make sure that she is always in the loop.