Feb 16 2018

Weekly Update: Week #9

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week I finished the ladder and checked it several times. We got the cover turned in by Anna. On Friday we had a meeting with Anna, where we got all the members logged in and given an intro to how to use webease. Also, I learned how to put in the ladder, and change the templates for pages.

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Feb 12 2018

Weekly Goals: Week #9

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goals: 

This week I want to finish the ladder, and assign pages. Also, set up a meeting with Anna, and get the ladder into webease.

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Feb 09 2018

Weekly Update: Week #8

Published by under Uncategorized

Weekly Update: This week, I unfortunately didn’t get the ladder done, however, this is because I was focussed on a more pressing matter. This was the cover. We had to get it ready to turn in by Monday, which thankfully, Schiff and I accomplished.

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Feb 05 2018

Weekly Goals: Week #8

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goals: This week I really really really will finish the ladder and assign pages. Also, I will finish my cover with Sariah. I also will be judging other covers. I also, need to finish my honors essay, however I wont be doing that during yearbook time.

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Feb 05 2018

Tri 2: 6week goal

Published by under HOMEROOM

Term Goal: By the end of the term I want all A+’s and do well on all my math tests.

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Feb 01 2018

Weekly Update: Week #7

Published by under Uncategorized

Weekly Update: This week I got the cover done, and got the new ladder well on its way.

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Jan 29 2018

Weekly Goals: Week #7

Published by under Uncategorized

Weekly Goals: This week I hope to get the new version of the Ladder done. Also, I want to get our cover done.

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Jan 26 2018

Weekly Update: Week #6

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week I got and extension on the cover, I got about half of the ladder done. I plan to finish this next week. However I am working on creating a yearbook cover with a girl named seriah. 

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Jan 22 2018

Weekly Goals: Week #6

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goals: This week my goal is to complete the 8O page ladder done and assign pages. Also, if this all gets done I would like to set up a meeting with Anna.

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Jan 22 2018

Homeroom Goal: 1/22/18

Published by under HOMEROOM

Goal: This week I would love to get my honors application well on it’s way. Personally, I just want to make it through alive.

Update: Thus week I didn’t achieve my goal, but I did stay alive.

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