Archive for the 'Yearbook' Category

Sep 15 2017

Weekly Update: Week #1

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week was the first week of Yearbook, so we mostly did organizing and got the ball rolling. I set up peoples webease accounts and got a meeting set for next Friday with Anna Black. Also, Paityn and I did a lot of runs to the office to talk to Gennessa. It was a good week.

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Jun 05 2017

Weekly Goals: Week 10

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goals: This week I will work on proofing the yearbooks that have arrived with Keira and Jenna. Also, I will work really hard on the Marine Biology video and hopefully finish it. I will work very hard all week.

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May 26 2017

Weekly Update: Week 8

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week in yearbook I ended up working on a Marine Biology PSA for the screen assigned by Schiff. Carson and I worked on it, and took a video of a friend we have in that class, asking her what she thought of the class. We also did a little homework in spare time. This weekend will be really fun too.

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Apr 21 2017

Weekly Update #3

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week we worked really hard on the yearbook. I worked on the advertising page a lot and we are almost done with it. We are almost done with the yearbook. I will start on like helping edit as of next week. Also taking pics to improve pages. It was a good week.

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Apr 07 2017

Weekly Update #1

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week was very busy with us being 20 days from our deadline as of Monday. I did a lot of pages and not much advertising. I came in to work on the year book for half of the day on Wednesday and got a boatload done then. Also, we started laying out the pages that have been done to catch errors. I need to finish some of my pages still, nit including the advertising page, only because we need more pics for them. It was a busy and productive week and I think we may actually pull this off if we work as hard as we did this week up til the deadline.

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Mar 20 2017

Weekly Goals- week 12

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Goals- This week I hope to get a couple of my pages finished so I can take on more.

Monday- I hope to get all the assignments for follow up on advertising done.

Tuesday- I hope to check up on my pages and get more captions done

Wednesday- I hope to get Jerry’s and Papas  emailed.

Thursday- I  hope to get a couple more things on my pages done

Friday- Hopefully most of the stuff for advertising will be emailed and I will finish up even more pages.

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Mar 13 2017

Weekly Goals #3

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly goals: 

Today(Monday): I hope to get a lot of ads and payments checked up on and to call people and remind them that we need their ad and soon.

Tuesday: I will continue Monday’s work, because I will not likely finish it Monday. 

Wednesday: I will hopefully get some captions on some of my pages in the yearbook.

Thursday: I am not sure when we will start getting our advertising page in the yearbook, but I hope that I will soon be able to learn form schiff, maybe this day.

Friday: I will do my Weekly Update, and finish anything I didn’t get done this week.

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Mar 10 2017

Weekly Update #10

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly Update: This week I didn’t end up getting every thing I wanted to done, but still pretty successful. On Monday I did some advertising. On Tuesday I got some of the information from Schiff on ads we have gotten and moved on asking the people for them. On Wednesday we had a meeting and found out we have 48 days to get the whole yearbook done! Which I am very nervous about. Thursday I did a little homework and got some pages done in the yearbook that I needed. Today, I did my weekly update and tried to do some advertising, but we had no time. It was a pretty uneventful week.

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Mar 06 2017

Weekly Goals 3/6/17

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly goals: This week I hope to get a lot done.

Monday- We are going to get a list of whose ad art work we have and whose we still need to get.

Tuesday- I will do some of my pages in the Yearbook besides the advertising page.

Wednesday- We are going to have a little group meeting, and I am not sure what else I will have time for.

Thursday- I will get back to a couple of people via email.

Friday- We are supposed to have a meeting with Anna Black.

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Feb 27 2017

Weekly Goals #2

Published by under Yearbook

Weekly goals: 

Monday: On Monday I hope to call a client in the morning and get my weekly goals done. Also send some emails.

Tuesday: On Tuesday I am going to have a meeting with Kurt on what he would like his ad to look like. Also I hope to get our thank you letters problem figured out. 

Wednesday: On Wednesday I hope to get our standings with all advertisers figured out along with all the emails.

Thursday: I hope to have a couple of checks in so that we can start sending out thank you letters. Also finish emailing people.

Friday: By this day I hope that our computer is worked out so that I can start working on pages. Also get my weekly Update done.

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