Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Oct 06 2017

Weekly Update: Week #4

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Weekly Update: This week was very productive. I emailed Anna and she gave us a Calendar big enough to keep our big events for pictures and schedule. Also, I made a plan and started videoing the PSA for the Cover Contest. Over all, a good week.

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Jun 22 2017

Weekly Update: Week 11- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL

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Weekly Update: This week was a blast! We had our party, which was a success, and all the work we had to do was our grade rationales. I can’t wait for the first day of summer= TOMORROW!!!! It was a great year in yearbook, and I can’t wait for next year. Thanks MR. SCHIFF!!!!

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Jun 19 2017

Weekly Goals: Week 12

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Weekly goals: This week I hope to have a blast hanging out with my friends, but not making too much noise during class. I also hope the pizza party is successful.

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Jun 16 2017

Weekly Update: Week 11

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Weekly Update: This week I did what I had hoped to do, get all my homework done for other classes so I didn’t have to do it at home. I am very excited for the weekend, because tonight is opening night of my show, and we have two more this weekend. It has been a long, tiring week, but I can’t wait for school to get out! 

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Jun 12 2017

Weekly Goals : Week 11

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Weekly goals: This week I just hope to be productive in getting my homework for other classes done, because I have a busy week of 5 hour long rehearsals each night.

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Jun 09 2017

Weekly Update: Week 10

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Weekly Update: This week we worked on checking and labeling all the yearbooks every day.

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Jun 02 2017

Weekly Update: Week 9

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Weekly Update: This week in Yearbook, I worked really hard on the video for Marine Biology. It was fun because I like working with Carson and iMovie. This weekend will be busy but fun.

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May 30 2017

Weekly Goals: Week 9

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Weekly Goals: This week I hope to work on the Marine Bio video psa a lot. I also plan to always do homework in my spare time so that I can stay on task. It will be a busy week.

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May 22 2017

Weekly Goals: Week 8

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Weekly Goals: This week I will think of ideas to put on the flat screen in the Lobby and put them into action. I also hope to learn how to upload photos to the computer from Keira. I also hope to catch up on plans for next year with Paityn and Keira. If I have any extra time I will do homework.

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May 19 2017

Weekly Update: Week 7

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Weekly Update: This week I had to go in to my language arts class and then the library to finish my SBAC testing every 6th period, except for Friday, when I left early. Therefore, I didn’t have time to do much related to Yearbook. This weekend I have a few shows and am really excited for them.

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