Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Nov 06 2017

Weekly Goal: Homeroom

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Goal: This week my goal is to get an A on all of my math assignments, and my History Notebook. 

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Nov 03 2017

Weekly Update: Week #8

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Weekly Update: This week I didn’t get around to the video. I had a lot of work for other classes, so I got a lot of that done. Then I missed the meeting on Friday, because was sick.

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Nov 03 2017

Weekly Accomplishments

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Accomplished: This week I survived…

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Oct 30 2017

Weekly Goals: Week #8

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Weekly Goals: This week  I am for sure going to finish the video with Tawny and get it on the announcements. I am going to go over the notes from the meeting on Friday, and make some plans according to that. If anything else pressing comes up, I will do that.

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Oct 27 2017

Weekly Update: Week #7

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Weekly Update: This week I got more of the video done. I did a lot of planning with Mr. Schiff and by myself. I also made a list of questions for our meeting with Anna. Finally we had our meeting with Anna on Friday. I have a lot of homework this weekend, but it should be a pretty low laying weekend.

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Oct 27 2017

Accomplishments: 10/27

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I think that I accomplished a lot of my goals for this week. I am almost done with the Cover contest video. I have gotten 95-100% on all of my math HW this week. Also, though we haven’t actually gotten our social studies grade yet, I feel I got an A. It was a successful week.

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Oct 27 2017

Goal: 10/23

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Goals: This week I hope to get an A-A+ on my social studies project. I hope to get the extra pages in the yearbook squared away. Also, I hope to finish the cover contest video. I would also like to get 100% on all my math HW this week. I will get a lot accomplished.

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Oct 23 2017

Weekly goals: #7

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Weekly goals: This week I hope to put the finishing touches on the cover video. I also want to get the extra pages squared away. I also hope to get a lot done in our meeting Friday. It’ll be a good week.

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Oct 20 2017

Weekly Update: #6

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Weekly Update: This week I got very far on the video for the cover contest. I just need to do the finishing touches. I made a topic sheet for our meeting with Anna, but it got canceled. Keira and I planned a lot out for the rest of the term, and scheduled a meeting for Monday. I really think that we are moving somewhere.

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Oct 11 2017

Weekly Update: Week #5

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Weekly Update: This week I videoed the rest of the clips for the Cover Contest video. I also started putting the video together in iMovie. I am really glad for the 4 day weekend, I hope to get a lot done, and relax too.

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