Grace Lucia Chinn

By Allan  

Hi Everyone,

My daughter, Grace Lucia Chinn (or Gracie Lu for short) was born this afternoon at 1:09 PM (just a few minutes shy of lunar landing 40th anniversary).

She came three weeks early, so she’s small at 5 pounds 2 ounces, but all test so far say she’s healthy and doing great. She scored 9.9 on the Apgar Test, which has 10 as the highest level of health a newborn can score, so she appears to be doing very well.

I’m on Dad duty while Kim recovers and the feeding and changing and whatnot do not seem nearly as scary as I was expecting. Below are a couple pictures of her so far.

I tried to send an email, but 4J email (even using webmail) appears not to work on the hospital network, so I’m just using my blog for now.

Here is a link to her Sacred Heart baby site:
Baby @lbum

Back to Dad duty now. It’s almost time for another feeding.





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