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A Moment Comes by Jennifer Bradbury

by on Feb.15, 2015, under Historical Fiction, Sam's Reviews, War

momentWho would like this book? People, grades 8 and up, interested in historical fiction and especially about the situation in India and Pakistan n 1947, would like this book. It would also appeal to people who like fiction books that are written from multiple points of view.

The goods on this book: Who has any idea what it would be like to be a young woman in India in 1947? This book brings just such a situation to life. Margaret, a British cartographer’s daughter, has arrived with her mother, escaping an uncomfortable situation at home. Though Margaret is at first sullen about her new home, the influence of Anupreet, a beautiful young Sikh girl who works for Margaret’s family, begins to open Margaret’s eyes to the wonder of the culture. Her forbidden attraction to Tariq, a Muslim teen who also works for her family, adds to this growing interest. The narration shifts between the three very distinct voices of these characters. Following the same events through the lens of their different situations is fascinating, and the tensions between the Sikhs and the Muslims as it affects the lives of Tariq and Anupreet are riveting. This book works on the political level, portraying the violent reaction as Britain divides India and Pakistan. It also works on the personal level as these three young people try to work for their dreams in the face of impossible odds.

The details: 278 pages; 2013     Review by Samrarian

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