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The Selection (Selection Book 1) by Kiera Cass

by on Oct.20, 2014, under Dystopia, Romance, Sam's Reviews, Teen Top 10

selectionWho would like this book? Readers 12 and up who like the idea of a competition between girls for the heart of the prince in a kingdom set in a dystopian future would love this book.

The goods on this book: America Singer has grown up to be an independent thinker even though she has been raised in a caste-driven kingdom which is the future remains of a destroyed United States. In this kingdom, people are trapped in the caste of their birth and their lives are determined by the definition of each caste. America and her family, as “fives,” have struggles but are not as destitute as sixes through the eights. Her star-crossed love for Aspen, a “six,” is doomed because of his lower caste, and he encourages her to enter the contest for “the Selection” in which girls become contestants for the heart of Prince Maxon. Of course, America enters against her will and wins a place among the first group vying to become the future queen. America finds that her honesty and stubborn, independent spirit set her apart from the other girls. If the reader is able to set aside many unanswered questions about the kingdom and the wider world to be able to focus on the drama of the girls competing for the attentions of the prince, then this book is very fun. Though the book fails to build a future world, it succeeds in creating the tension of a love triangle and the drama of romantic competition. For those who like this book, you might be happy to find an even more satisfying one with a similar theme in Shannon Hale’s The Princess Academy.

The details: 327 pages; 2012    Review by Samrarian

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