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One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

by on Aug.16, 2014, under Abuse, Battle of the Books 2014-2015, Real life, Sam's Reviews

one murphysWho would like this book? People ages 12 and up looking for a realistic book about a foster care kid overcoming the odds.

The goods on this book:
In her 12 years, Carley Conners has gathered many reasons to distrust people and to put up a defense of anger. After her stepfather beats her and her mother severely, Carley is placed in a foster home with the Murphys while her mother recovers in a hospital. Carley has never experienced a family like the Murphys, full of love, humor, and acceptance. Her defensive bad attitude cannot hold up for long in the midst of Mrs. Murphy’s patient, loving nature and her young sons’ rambunctious inclusion of Carley. As she is gradually enfolded into the Murphy family, experiences at school also surprise her. When the inevitable return of her mother into her life comes, how will Carley react? One for the Murphys is a tearjerker for sure, and a moving drama about overcoming the odds and discovering self-worth. The author makes Carley come to life, and Carley’s transitions are very believable. People who like this book might also appreciate Waiting for Normal by Leslie Connor.

The details: 2012; 224 pages

This book is a 2014-2015 Battle of the Books selection. Review by Samrarian

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