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“The President Has Been Shot!”: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy by James L. Swanson

by on Jan.20, 2014, under Non-fiction, Sam's Reviews

shotWho would like this book? Anyone, 12 years old and up, who is interested in President John F. Kennedy and his assassination.

The goods on this book: In the first part of this informative book, James Swanson presents the high points of President Kennedy’s early life and career as president. He includes details about his family life, his marriage to Jacqueline Bouvier, and his children. In the build-up to the assassination itself, the narrative gives a brief history of Lee Harvey Oswald’s sad life that works to explain why he would seek to kill the president. Swanson describes the events of the day of the assassination with striking details that gives the reader a close perspective from the point of view of the first lady and that of Oswald. The horror of the events brought me to tears, breaking my heart anew. Throughout the book, extensive photos and diagrams enrich the text greatly. An extensive bibliography will be welcome to readers who are not quite satisfied with the official explanation of the Warren Commission, which is fully supported in this book. Swanson makes the case that the three shots from Oswald’s rifle were the only shots fired, and that Oswald acted alone out of “evil” or to make a name for himself. Oswald’s murder by Jack Ruby is mentioned only briefly. This book is an excellent starting point for the young reader who seeks learn about John Kennedy and his assassination.

The details: 336 pages; 2013    Review by Samrarian

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