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The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

by on Jan.11, 2013, under Historical Fiction, Illustrated, Mystery, Student Reviews

Review by Trinity

Who would like this book? I recommend this book to anyone between ages 10-13.

Why? Hugo Cabret is about a boy who’s father died in a fire at his work. Hugo was scared of turning into an orphan so he lived with his uncle . His uncle repaired the train station were they lived . Hugo stole parts from the toy seller’s booth, and he gets caught steeling the toys one day by the old man George and the old man said “take everything out of your pockets,” so Hugo did with a struggle. There was little toy parts in his pocket and his notebook that had everything about his fathers automaton. Hugo’s father wanted to fix the automaton, so once he died Hugo thought he would try to fix it but it was tough for him to find things for it. The old man took the notebook but did not look in it and he asked him what was in it. Hugo would never let anyone look inside his notebook. The old man had a grand daughter named Isabelle. Isabelle and Hugo became friends, but they fought a lot. Isabelle tried getting his notebook back to him, but she couldn’t find it, She tried so hard but had no clue where it was. Hugo’s uncle was a drunk and one night he never came home. I fell in love with this book. After the first part, I couldn’t put the book down. I hope you like this book, too.

The details: 533 pp.  (Two-thirds are illustrations.) 2007   Review by Trinity

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