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Crazy by Han Nolan

by on Jul.31, 2012, under Mental Health, Real life, Sam's Reviews, YRCA

Who would like this book? Readers, grade 7 and up, interested in innovative 1st person narratives and/or books dealing with mental illness and real life issues.

Why? Jason, 15, is barely holding on. His mother has recently died from a stroke and his mentally ill (and talented) father cannot cope without her. His father is descending into his hallucinations, so Jason must try to keep their household running while dodging the authorities who might try to split them up. Jason, a loner, finds companionship with voices in his head – Crazy Glue, Sexy Lady, Aunt Bee, and a laugh track. When a school counselor forces Jason to join group therapy, his life begins to take a turn. The other students who become his friends and the other characters who become his support system bring much to the story – understanding, humor, and respect. Han Nolan has pulled off an amazing feat with this book. The unusual narrative structure works really well, and Jason’s story is important and moving.

The details: 348 pp. 2010  Review by Samrarian

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