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Savvy by Ingrid Law

by on Feb.12, 2012, under Battle of the Books 2010-2011, Humorous, Real life, Student Reviews, Supernatural, YRCA

Who would like this book? Anyone who likes supernatural people with different powers.

Why? Mibs is part of a family who, when they turn 13, they get a Savvy. A savvy is kind of a supernatural ability. Mibs just turned 13 and has just gotten her Savvy, but her birthday isn’t complete without her Poppa, who has been unconscious for days. So Mibs, her brothers Fish and Samson, and her 2 friends, Bobbi and Will Jr, hitchhike to Salina Hope Hostital, getting a ride on a bus. But when the bus turns the opposite way from the hospital, they have to reveal themselves to the driver. Ingrid Law makes this story very funny, and interesting, so if you like books with lots of details coming from the first person, you would like this book.

The details:  342 pp. 2008  Review by Annie

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