Sam and CY students & staff are reading…

The Buddha and the Terrorist by Satish Kumar

by on May.28, 2007, under Adult Read, Grief, Spiritual

Who would like this book? Adults or teens who are interested in Buddhist teachings, peaceful mediation, and the power of compassion.

Why? Satish Kumar has written a challenging sutra, a teaching, in the tradition of Buddha. A violent criminal (Angulimala) terrorizes the countryside with his violent mayhem. When he encounters the Buddha, who invites Angulimala to kill him and then engages him in enlightening discussion, Angulimala is transformed and takes a new name, Ahimsaka, as he pursues the peaceful path of a monk. The book is full of significant teaching and would be good to have a copy to read and reflect over frequently. An example is Ahimsaka’s teaching on pain:
“Sister, pain is part of life. By accepting it, its intensity is reduced. Do not resist it. Resistance to pain brings tension and anxiety, anxiety leads to fear. Fear of pain is worse than pain itself. This pain will pass. There is no need to fear, you are not alone, I m here. I offer you my like and my love for your well-being.” (p.111)

The details: 121 p. 2004. The physical book is an apt wrapping for its message. It’s beautiful.

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