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Puppet Warp Animation

Part 1 – Students will use the Sponge Bob graphic file (or find one similar to the one used in the tutorial from the web – white background is key) with the Puppet Warp animation tutorial to learn how to use this basic animation feature in Photoshop. After successfully completing the tutorial and uploading the resulting animation to their ePortfolio, students will then make an animation of their own (Part 2).

(Click On Gif To View)


This animation was a lot of fun to make, I had no prior experience with animation and this was a good start. The most difficult tool to use was the puppet warp tool, even though it was challenging I still had a lot of fun using it. another challenge was getting the animation bar to work properly. While making I had some issues with the application, however I eventually figured them out. This project was a lot of fun to make and I hope to have more fun next project.